With update 24.1 for PUBG going live, its patch notes cover a massive number of changes. Most importantly, the XP gain is being adjusted. According to the developers, the leveling process could have been better since the last patch. The XP gained through weekly missions has increased to remedy this and make leveling up easier. On the other hand, Vikendi has gotten a lot of attention regarding changes and should feel a lot different once the update goes live. Another significant gameplay-related change is that every player will be equipped with a Tactical Gear Carrier at the start of every match, with its weight at 0. Here is the complete list of patch notes for update 24.1 for PUBG:
Changes in PUBG Season 24 With Update 24.1

Live Maintenance Schedule
The times shown below are subject to change.
- PDT: June 21, 6 PM – June 22, 2 AM
- CEST: June 22, 3 AM – 11 AM
- KST: June 22, 10 AM – 6 PM
Live Server Updates
- After closely analyzing the player metrics after the XP balance adjustment of the Survivor Pass in Update #23.1, we felt that the leveling experience didn’t go as smoothly as intended. Therefore, an additional adjustment was made to the Survivor Pass system to further enhance the leveling experience: the XP gained through weekly missions has been increased.
- Fixed the issue that prevented the appearance of Sunset weather in Erangel.
- Fixed the issue in War Mode: Conquest mode where players fell beneath the terrain when the map is set to Ruins in Sanhok.
- Fixed the clipping issue in the chest area when a male character equips the Greenback Suit.
- Fixed the clipping issue at the wrist when equipping Bunny Academy Hazard Gloves with the Greenback Suit.
- Fixed the issue where some detail elements of Julie’s Infiltrator Shorts disappear when certain outerwear are equipped with the shorts.
- In the English language setting, we’ve fixed the inconsistency of uppercase and lowercase letters in Match History – Casual Mode.
Tactical Gear
- Players will be equipped with a Tactical Gear Carrier in their Inventory at the start of each match.
- To ensure the Carrier does not hinder initial game progress after landing, we’ve set the Tactical Gear Carrier weight to 0.
- Open the Carrier to select your desired Tactical Gear from all available options – EMT Gear, Tactical Pack, Spotter Scope, Drone, Blue Chip Detector, or the Repair Kit.
- The Carrier cannot be opened when you’re in a vehicle or on top of static transport features such as trains and ships.
- The selected Tactical Gear will be fitted into a dedicated sixth slot reserved for Tactical Gear.
- Once equipped, the Tactical Gear cannot be removed.
- Tactical Gear nor the Carrier will not be dropped when a player dies.
- Upon a player’s death the Tactical Gear/Tactical Gear Carrier are removed.
- Players recalled to the match will not be provided a new Tactical Gear Carrier.
- All world-spawned Tactical Gear has been removed.
- Radio Message
- Can be used to relay information about the selected Tactical Gear of team members.
- Upon equipping a Tactical Gear, a Radio Message is triggered for notification.
- “Equipping (Tactical Gear)”.
- Training Mode
- Players can remove Tactical Gear from their sixth Inventory slot in Training Mode only to allow for more diverse practice.
- Both Tactical Gear and the Tactical Gear Carrier are provided via the Training Helper.
EMT Gear
- Med Kit usage time: 3 seconds → 7 seconds.
- First Aid Kit usage time: 3 seconds → 5 seconds.
- In addition, the revival speed of teammates has been changed from 3 seconds → 8 seconds to prevent overly quick recoveries in tense scenarios.
- Using Energy Drinks or Painkillers will now provide a 50% additional effect.
- This boost will only be for personal use and does not apply to teammates.
Tactical Pack
- Attachment slots decreased from 4 slots → 2 slots.
- We wish to give the Tactical Pack a similar feel to a Level 4 Backpack. Therefore, the reduction of slots is aimed at moderating the possession of individual items such as firearms (excluding stackable items).
Spotter Scope
- Its magnification capabilities are now adjustable from 4x to 8x, allowing for more detailed observations.
- The creation of the white passive marker is removed. The red active marker will be automatically created and maintained for 7 seconds after a scan.
- The standard Screen Pings can also be placed while using the Spotter Scope.
- Maximum range has been reduced from 300m → 200m.
Blue Chip Detector
- Screen update frequency: 5 seconds → 8 seconds.
- Enemy scan radius: 100m → 50m.
- Players who are equipped with a Jammer Pack are undetectable with the Blue Chip Detector.
PUBG Items Patch Notes

Tactical Gear – Repair Kit
- The Repair Kit is no longer a consumable, and is now a part of Tactical Gear that can be equipped to your Tactical Gear slot.
- Once equipped, it cannot be replaced or removed until the match concludes.
- The Repair Kit can be utilized up to 10 times.
- You can use the Repair Kit via the Limited Interact key.
- A single use on a Helmet or Vest will restore its durability to 100 in 6 seconds.
- You can repair not just your own Helmet/Vest, but those equipped by your teammates or those found lying on the floor.
- A single use on a vehicle restores 500 durability in 8 seconds.
- You are only able to repair a vehicle that can be interacted with.
- The repair process will be canceled under the following circumstances:
- If the character carrying out the repair, or the subject undergoing the repair, moves using the movement keys.
- Once the preceding repair of the same Helmet/Vest/vehicle is complete.
- If another player picks up the Helmet/Vest from the ground during the repair.
New Features – More Changes
- New feature: Removing and installing tires
- When the Repair Kit is equipped, you can use the Limited Interact Key to remove tires from any vehicle.
- Tires that have burst with 0 durability cannot be removed.
- Interacting with a vehicle will display the remaining durability of the tire.
- Removing a tire requires a certain amount of time.
- Successful removal causes the tire to drop to the ground.
- Tires weigh 20 each.
- Tires will go to your Inventory’s fourth melee weapon slot.
- If the fourth slot is occupied, the tire will move to the Inventory.
- Swapping to the weapon in the fourth slot will result in your character holding the tire.
- You cannot remove or install tires to the BRDM, Boat, Aquarail, Mountain Bike, Motor Glider, Airboat, or Snowmobile.
- Any player can install removed tires on a vehicle, even without a Repair Kit.
- Upon approaching a vehicle without a tire, tire installation requires a certain amount of time.
- The removal/installation process will be canceled under the following circumstances:
- If the vehicle is driven during the installation process.
- If the position of the vehicle changes due to a collision or other during the installation process.
- If another tire on the vehicle during tire removal receives damage.
- When the Repair Kit is equipped, you can use the Limited Interact Key to remove tires from any vehicle.
- The existing Helmet/Armor Repair Kits and Mechanic’s Toolbox have been removed
PUBG Vikendi Patch Notes
- We have tactically upgraded those locations – excluding major cities – that, according to live data, have proven to be the most unfeasible for engagement or where cover was particularly scarce by adding new objects and ridgelines, offering more opportunities for strategic cover.
- The initiative Blue Zone ruleset similar as Ranked’s for Normal Matches introduced back in Update #23.1 has been applied to Vikendi, effectively reducing the overall playtime.
Item spawn
- Vikendi’s Normal Matches typically feature an array of special item spawn spots, leading to an excess of high-value items. To prevent disproportionate looting of these items, we’ve recalibrated the balance. The spawn rates of high-value weapons and items have been scaled down to also mitigate the disparity in the play experience with Ranked matches.
- Lab Camp
- The probability of finding lucky Supply Drops (holding Care Package weapons) have been boosted.
- However, a marginal downgrade has been made in the quality of items.
- A significant reduction has been made in the appearance rate of Care Package weapons and Level 3 equipment.
- Critical Response Kits will now exclusively appear in Lab Camps, with an increased spawn rate.
- The probability of finding lucky Supply Drops (holding Care Package weapons) have been boosted.
- Caves
- The quantity and quality of items discoverable in caves’ Supply Drops have been downgraded.
- A significant reduction has been made in the appearance rate of Care Package weapons and Level 3 equipment.
- 8x Scopes, Critical Response Kits, and C4 have been removed from caves’ Supply Drops.
- The quantity and quality of items discoverable in caves’ Supply Drops have been downgraded.
- Secret Room
- Acquisition of the Self-AED is now restricted to Secret Rooms, except for the rare chance of looting it as a world spawn item.
- The Thermal 4x Scope will now only be available as a world spawn item, in Care Packages, and caves’ Supply Drops. It has been removed from Lab Camp and Secret Rooms.
- The following changes have also been made to align with the ruleset of other maps.
- ARs, SMGs, Handguns, Crossbows, Grenades, Smoke Grenades, Stun Grenades, and First Aid Kits will spawn slightly more.
- SRs, LMGs, Backpack (Level 1), Molotovs, BZ Grenades, C4, Emergency Pickups, Bandages, Med Kits, and Adrenaline Syringes will spawn slightly less.
Vehicle spawn
- In terms of transportation, we noted that vehicle usage in Vikendi was lower compared to other maps, so we’ve amplified vehicle spawn spots and appropriately adjusted existing spawn locations.
Blizzard Zone
- The duration of the Blizzard Zone has been increased by approximately 70%.
- The number of snowstorms appearing in a Blizzard Zone has increased.
- The distance between snowstorms has decreased.
- The phases when Blizzard Zones occur during a match have been adjusted.
Cable Car
- Player feedback concerning the rather sluggish speed of Vikendi’s Cable Cars was noted, leading to a significant speed enhancement. This adjustment now allows for better encounters during transit, with an overall speed increase of 80%.
Comeback BR
- Map
- We have improved player’s vulnerability by relocating existing objects to the back.
- Item spawn spots have been added near player spawn locations for an optimized start.
- Made containers more accessible by repositioning some containers and adding wooden pallets.
- Combat time
- Reduced combat time from 160 seconds to 100 seconds.
- The Play Area restriction time has been adjusted to accommodate the reduced combat time.
- The multidrops will descend earlier.
- To prevent the decreasing survival rate as the number of participants increases during the later phases of Comeback BR, each size of the final Play Area for each phase has been adjusted.
- The UI notifications for Comeback BR have improved.
Crowbar Interaction
- Increased spawn rate for cabinets.
- A storage unit specifically designed for Crowbars has been added to garages that are accessible with a Crowbar. This storage unit has a high probability of containing a Crowbar.
- Simultaneously, we’ve slightly diminished the appearance rate for Secret Room Security Keys.
- However, we’ve increased the spawn rates for items such as healing items and throwables.
- Reduced the volume of wind turbines by 40%, along with the audible range.
- Minimap has been updated to mirror the above changes.
PUBG Update 24.1 Performance Changes

- Implemented enhancements to our memory management system, resulting in a reduction of hitches experienced during gameplay.
PUBG Update 24.1 Patch Notes – Bug Fixes
- General in-game bugs have been fixed.
- Fixed the issue where an extra timer was generated upon completion of a team member’s heal using the EMT Gear.
- Fixed collision, texture, performance, and some other general Vikendi map issues.
- Fixed the issue where the Self-AED was not appearing in Taego’s breakable pots.
- Fixed the issue where certain heal items were not spawning on the bridges of Erangel.
- Fixed the issue where the Clan Tag was being displayed in specific in-game areas when the Clan level was at 1.
- Fixed the issue where the kill/assist details were not displayed upon accessing the Inventory in-game.
- (Console) Fixed the issue where the “Played with” information was not displayed upon returning to the Social page after viewing a random player’s profile from the Recent Players list.
- (Console) Fixed the issue where your character does not appear when navigating back to the Lobby subsequent to selecting a random Spray item within the Customize page.
- Fixed the issue where a highlighting effect was applied to the Helmet (Level 3) in the Erangel Remaster lobby skin.
Items & Skins
- Fixed the clipping issue of the hair when using Victory Dance 114 with the Hairstyle 42 equipped.
- Fixed the issue where the arm became transparent upon equipping ROSÉ’s BLACKPINK Gloves with Lunchmeat’s Hoodie.
- Fixed the clipping issue of the waist when equipping the Wasted Future Pants with the Bunny Academy Hazard Jacket.
- Fixed the clipping issue of the waist when equipping the Wasted Future Pants with the FaZe Clan Jacket.
- Fixed the clipping issue of dress during repeated crouching and prone motions with a weapon and NieR:Automata – 2B’s Dress equipped.
- Fixed the issue where the ankle became transparent upon equipping Dinoland “Alex” Suit and Sky Captain Boots.
- Fixed the clipping issue of the ankle when equipping PGI.S Tactical Pants and certain shoes.
- Fixed the issue where the arm became transparent upon equipping Tormented Knight Gloves and certain tops.
- Fixed the clipping issue of the forehead when equipping Marauder’s Mask and Dead by Daylight “The Legion” Jacket.
For more information on future updates and patch notes, keep a close eye on The Nerd Stash. We also have patch notes for other popular games, like Dead by Daylight and Fortnite.
Update 24.1 for PUBG is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,