In Ready Or Not, you play the role of a SWAT unit and have to eliminate enemies and protect civilians. At the beginning of the game, it may be difficult to understand all the mechanics and tricks of the game, so we have prepared some beginner tips and tricks for Ready Or Not. Using these tips, you can understand the game better and improve your in-game experience.

From the beginning, you’ll be introduced to the game and its essence, but to gain an advantage over your opponents, you’ll need to learn much more. Below, we will tell you how to properly arrest enemies, avoid obvious mistakes, and cooperate with your team.
Learn to Communicate properly
As in most tactical shooters, communication and good team building will make the game much easier. Talk to your teammates in voice chat and give them a detailed report if necessary. Be bold and ask for help if you’re in trouble and remember to help others if they need it. Communication is the foundation of your success, so don’t neglect it.
If you play with bots, don’t forget to give them commands. These are functional phrases that you can use when interacting with the numbers on the numpad. In this case, all responsibility falls on your shoulders, so the more actively, and accurately you can give commands, the better the results will be.
Blow Up the Doors
When clearing an object, you will need to explore many rooms, and thus open a lot of doors, behind each of which may be a danger. Here, you have to be cautious because enemies will not miss the chance to kill you if you stand directly in front of the door when you open it. If you want to kick down the door, this will attract even more attention and give enemies the opportunity to prepare for an attack, or even start shooting you through it.
A good way out of this situation is to use breaching charges to blow up the door and catch enemies unprepared. The disadvantage of this method is that you may injure civilians. To avoid this, it is recommended to use a mirror or opening doors slowly to peek and see who is in the room.
In addition to assaulting, you also need to take care of your flanks. In this case, you need to make sure that the doors are locked so that enemies cannot bypass you or take you by surprise. Use door wedges to block the passage and provide yourself with protection. Always have your teammates covering your flanks at all times.
Be Careful With Civilians
During the mission, not everyone will be your enemy. There will also be many civilians and hostages in every map you traverse. Demand enemies lay down their weapons and be absolutely sure they are hostile before using violence to minimize civilian casualties.
Make Marks
Usually, the map you play on is quite large, and you can easily get lost or spend a lot of time walking around the same rooms. To avoid this, use a chemlight. These are small lights that glow green. Throw them in the rooms you’ve already visited to orient and organize where you have and haven’t been.
That’s it. We hope all of these tips and tricks will help you master Ready Or Not even faster.