The next movie in the Resident Evil franchise, currently titled Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, is set to begin filming sometime soon, according to a number of reports, as well as some social media updates by Milla Jovovich. Jovovich, who is the star of the entire series, posted an update on Instagram, which featured her having what appears to be a face cast made.
Jovovich also stated that she will be leaving for South Africa shortly in order to begin “prepping for the movie.” Filming for Resident Evil: The Final Chapter was scheduled to begin last year, until Jovovich became pregnant, with Paul W.S Anderson, the series director, being the father.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, as the name suggests, is scheduled to be the last film in the franchise, which Anderson confirmed to several media outlet last year. However, this may have changed between when Anderson was first writing the film and now, given that a seventh entry in the Resident Evil game franchise is set to be released, as well as a remastered version of Resident Evil Zero. This focus on the video games may make it harder for Anderson to step away from the film franchise; although, if he does, and takes Jovovich with him, it would be possible for another filmmaker to take up the reigns and focus on another character.
When asked about the film by Collider as he was writing the script last year, Anderson confirmed that he was intending it to be the last one, he said “It may be the final title, but that’s what’s written on the front page of my script.” Asked whether he’s writing this with the intention of making it the series’ final film, he said, “That’s what’s on the title page, it’s Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, so absolutely.” However, Anderson also stated that he was currently only in the middle of the first draft of the movie. Any speculated changes between then and now have not actually be confirmed or hinted at by anyone involved with the production.