Nowadays, seeing strange incidents on the road feels like it’s becoming an increasingly normal sight. Yet, they still manage to surprise us and, most importantly, catch us off guard. Speaking of catching things off guard, two men were caught on camera having a brawl on the Tampa interstate. Many assume this occurred due to a road rage incident, which checks out. As expected, those who recorded the event were having a blast with it because of the awkward “fighting moves” that happened in broad daylight and in front of passersby.
The brawl transpired at the Tampa interstate, and Reddit user PdiddyCAMEnME shared it on the r/PublicFreakout subreddit. In it, we can observe two men fighting in the middle of the interstate. By the looks of it, the brawl had already started, and many assume it was due to a road rage incident. The video shows a man with a black t-shirt punching, kicking, and eventually awkwardly throwing the other person on the ground.
The other individual involved in the fight didn’t seem to be able to defend themselves during the encounter. At the end of the video, we can observe a few cars parked on the side of the interstate before it ends. It’s uncertain what was the outcome of the brawl, if the authorities intervened, or if any of the men “won.”
Many were quick to point out the fighting moves and either praised them or discussed how awkward they looked.
“That throw was awkward but he powered through it.” – Berna_count via Reddit.
“Owie, knee to the face and then suplexed on the asphalt. He’s definitely gonna need a band-aid.” – kvlt_ov_personality via Reddit.
The shocking thing is how this happened in the middle of the interstate and during the day, and no one seemed to intervene. Although, to be fair, staying out of this situation might’ve been for the best. You never know what other fighting moves people have or if getting involved might escalate things further.