It always amazes me how certain creatures teach us things we can use in our daily activities. Some teach us patience, tolerance, and care. However, others, such as the featured school hamster in a Reddit video, teach us that anyone can cut ties with society easily. In a surprising move, this furry friend escapes from a classroom by rolling away inside its ball. While many would think other people would stop the rodent on the spot, that didn’t happen. People just let the hamster roll away toward a promising new day.
Reddit user cak3crumbs shared an unbelievable video of a school hamster escaping its classroom. The creature does this inside its ball and traverses what seems to be a large portion of the school. The kicker, however, is that no one stops it. The cameras capture a lot of people in the same frame as the rodent, and they let it roll freely. In a way, it is nice, but we can’t help but wonder what people were thinking at the moment. Some had a few comments regarding the people who saw the furry ball pass by.
A few others took it in a more philosophical way and saw the hamster’s great escape as an inspiration.
Others, though, shun the behavior of the adults watching the creature roll away.
Of that last one, I have to agree to an extent. Not realizing that the poor furry creature could get hurt as it rolls away is worrying. Plus, the fact that no one really stops to wonder what’s happening or even ask others to intervene shows that society has come to a point where we just accept whatever’s around and roll with the punches. In truth, not a great example for the school kids. In any case, we can only hope the hamster escaped safely or returned to its classroom where no harm might befall it.