Dining and dashing from restaurants has been done worldwide for centuries. Despite almost every restaurant now having cameras and systems to prevent people from dashing after eating their meal, two women thought they could get away with it. Worst of all, they tried to do it at a seafood restaurant where the employees are professionally trained (not really) to embarrass those who try to get away with it.
TikTok user pierce.e recorded the moment when an interaction at her restaurant job turned sour. Two women ran out of the restaurant and attempted to drive away to avoid paying for a $157.76 bill. Instead of getting away with it, the employees caught up to their car and started recording on their phones. The woman in the passenger seat attempted to hide her face for most of the video while the driver made empty promises to pay the bill. Eventually, an off-camera gentleman approaches and explains that he will cover the bill.
The interaction is incredibly ridiculous, with the women in the wrong desperately attempting to get out of the situation. Things get even crazier when it is revealed that the women had come in the day before and done the same thing. Commentators agreed, with one even noting the location in which the thieves parked,
Spotify Bedroom Creators Are Finding Out What Nightmare They Signed Up For ‘Sacrifices Must Be Made’Several other popular comments highlight the absurdity of the situation, especially with the way that the seafood restaurant employee handled it,
Another user added,
Hopefully, the two women can learn from this situation, considering that police don’t arrive on the scene. However, considering they decided to pull the same dine-and-dash stunt two days in a row, they probably won’t.