One of the STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl quests that you can accept in the Slag Heap is Deceive the Deceiver. You can start this mission by speaking with Zakhar Babay inside the building. He will offer you a simple job of obtaining money from a debtor. Unfortunately, this is too good to be true, and you will be dragged into an unexpected crisis. If you want to know the best decisions to make, I can give you some suggestions.
How To Complete Deceive the Deceiver Quest in STALKER 2

After arriving at the coordinates in STALKER 2, Skif discovers that he has been lured into a trap in Deceive the Deceiver quest. Although you can give him some money, that is not a wise choice since the group won’t let you go anyway. You should just attack and kill everyone in the vicinity.
After you are sure the area is safe, you can help the man who’s injured at the back of the abandoned vehicle. Akopyan will tell you of a plan to lure Zakhar outside the Slag Heap and teach him a lesson. To do that, you need to loot Sashko Cheery’s gun to use as proof. Just examine all the corpses to find the man you’re looking for.
Afterward, you can return to Slag Heap and talk with Zakhar. The man won’t trust you initially, but he will panic once you show him Sashko’s gun. Since you told him that Akopyan is hunting him, he will ask you to escort him out. You must follow the man outside, where he will lead you to his stash.
At this point in the Deceive the Deceiver quest, you can either escort Zakhar or kill him. The best method to get the most cash is to wait for him to grab his stash and continue following him until he meets two men. After he gives you some Coupons, kill all of them and return them to the Slag Heap to meet with Akopyan. The man will also give you more cash so you can walk away with 5,000 Coupons in total.