With the Star Wars Battlefront beta finally coming to a close, Developer DICE has revealed that over 9 million players took part in testing the soon to be released game.
The beta, which was available on PC, PS4 and
Overall the response was very positive for the beta and with over 9 million players dipping their toes in, the hype train for Star Wars Battlefront is well under way.
EA actually extended the Beta for one addition day to conduct further technical tests;
These tests are to help us find some extreme scenarios, and that means some players may experience occasional issues such as being kicked from the game or losing connectivity. This is all being done in the name of shoring up our infrastructure before we launch on November 17th.
New information about Star Wars Battlefront’s season pass and multiplayer modes have been released since the beta closed.
New game modes include Cargo, Droid Mode and Hero Hunt. The first two will be 6 v 6 and each will be objective based. Cargo is similar to capture the flag modes seen in other games, however there is a slight twist to the formula. The match will begin at 5-5 and as teams claim the enemies flag, the score will lean in their favor. Droid mode involves the teams securing three droids on the map. Teamwork is essential here, not only for locating the droids, but for capturing them and defending from the enemy team. Hero Hunt drops one player in as a hero and the other team of 7 troops must work together to bring the legend down.
The season pass has been priced at $50. It will contain 4 expansions packs and you’ll be able to access this content two weeks before anyone else.
Did you play the Star Wars Battlefront Beta? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below.