When a cop decides to pull you over for a speeding ticket or any other reason, it’s often a good idea to shut up and respectfully listen. Most of the time, this resolves situations relatively peacefully. Well, in Franklin County, Ohio, one stubborn man found out the hard way when taking a cop’s advice and warnings after refusing to listen to their instructions.
The incident, which was posted by puzzleheaded_web5245 on the r/interestingasf*** Reddit page, captures the moment when a TikTok user named Momoispimpin, better known by his real name Rahman Mohammad Mita, was pulled over by Franklin County police. He holds out his phone, facing him as the officer demands that he step out of the vehicle. After stepping out of the car, the cop demands that he turn his phone off. The man refuses, saying it is for his safety. After a lengthy exchange, the man is tazed, and the phone plummets to the ground.
After the shocking twist, some on the Reddit page were concerned for the young man, assuming he was innocent and the cop took things too far. However, things aren’t always what they seem. This isn’t a case of a young man just being profiled or assaulted by police unfairly. The man was actually on the run and had a warrant on him for domestic violence. Several posters on the page let their feelings known about the incident, which took place a couple of years ago.
“This scene is an allegory to the inner dialog going on inside my head between stupid me and disciplined me at 1am tucked into bed aimlessly scrolling on my phone.”
“I’m quite fluent in English. Even I’m not 100% certain, but i do think that cop wants him to put the phone down. Will have to confirm.”
“The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop.”
“first this is not a traffic stop, This man is a violent man who has had many resisting and evading arrest incidents. He was also considered armed and dangerous after a domestic violence incident”
Never judge a book by its cover on the internet, everybody. If you have an arrest warrant, you should probably listen to the cops and avoid getting tazed or possibly worse.