Title: Westworld: “The Original” Review Network: HBO Air Date: October 2, 2016 Genre: Sci-Fi Before we begin –…
HBO has finally confirmed that the all powerful Game of Thrones (GoT) television program has a foreseeable end date.…
It seems winter is coming a bit later next year. The seventh season of Game of…
Coming off of directing the last two episodes of Game of Thrones “The Blood of my…
Game of Thrones can’t return soon enough, with the season six premiere scheduled to air…
Is April 24th here yet? HBO dropped this little beauty on us today: the first full…
Since June 2015, we have all been eagerly anticipating the return of our favorite show,…
HBO kicked off its announcements at the Television Critics Association with a bang. Game of Thrones…
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR PAST SEASONS OF GAME OF THRONES “They have no idea what’s going to…
Naoki Urasawa’s anime series Monster, a psychological horror-thriller, aired in Japan in 2006 and in…
There are very few shows that are more popular then HBO’s Game of Thrones. Many…
Before we begin – Yes, there are TV spoilers ahead. I will not celebrate every…
Before we begin – Yes, there are TV spoilers ahead. I will not celebrate every…
Before we begin – Yes, there are TV spoilers ahead. I will not celebrate every…
Before we begin – Yes, there are TV spoilers ahead. I will not celebrate every…
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More +Title: Westworld: “Reunion” Network: HBO Air Date: April 29, 2018 Genre: Sci-Fi Check out our reviews of previous…
Title: Westworld: “Journey Into Night” Network: HBO Air Date: April 22, 2018 Genre: Sci-Fi Check out our review…
By this point, it is nothing new to hear about an episode of Game of Thrones being…
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After “The Queen’s Justice” shocked fans with a few twists and turns last Sunday, the…
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Daenerys may have abolished slavery in Essos in the Game of Thrones universe, but there’s…
The new season of Game of Thrones is right around the corner, premiering this Sunday, July…
A website associated with the popular show, Westworld, has given fans a hint as what…
HBO recently announced that it would be renewing Silicon Valley the fifth season, as the…