Title: Gotham: The Primal Riddle Review Release Date: May 8, 2017 Network: FOX Genre: Crime,…
In January, I wrote an article about the status of the upcoming X-Men series that…
Title: Gotham: “Smile Like You Mean It” Release Date: January 23, 2017 Network: FOX Genre:…
As I stated in my review of “Let ‘Em In”, I’m starting to find it…
Title: The Exorcist: “Let ‘Em In” Network: Fox Air Date: October 7, 2016 Genre: Horror, Drama…
This Friday, The Exorcist “Chapter Three: Let ‘Em In” premieres after the great “Lupus in Fabula”.…
Title: The Exorcist “Chapter Two: Lupus in Fabula” Network: Fox Air Date: September 30, 2016 Genre: Horror,…
The Exorcist’s second episode “Lupus in Fabula” premieres this Friday. After the twist at the end…
Title: The Exorcist: “Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee” Network: Fox Air Date: September…
Lethal Weapon is one of the most iconic buddy cops movies. Indeed, all the movies…
FOX has ordered a pilot for an X-Men series, and while they are no stranger to…
The season two finale of Gotham, which aired a short time ago, unleashed all of…
Title: Gotham “Unleashed” Network: Fox Air Date: May 9th, 2016 Genre: Crime, Drama, Action Well, that…
We are growing closer to the final few episodes of this season and hopefully Gotham can keep…
With Gotham returning this week after a short absence, it looks like we are in…
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More +How I Met Your Mother is one of the most successful sitcoms of the past…
20th Century Fox continues to bet heavily on their Marvel properties. Their X-Men franchise and spinoffs…
Title: Gotham: The Primal Riddle Review Release Date: May 8, 2017 Network: FOX Genre: Crime,…
In January, I wrote an article about the status of the upcoming X-Men series that…
Title: Gotham: “Smile Like You Mean It” Release Date: January 23, 2017 Network: FOX Genre:…
As I stated in my review of “Let ‘Em In”, I’m starting to find it…
Title: The Exorcist: “Let ‘Em In” Network: Fox Air Date: October 7, 2016 Genre: Horror, Drama…
This Friday, The Exorcist “Chapter Three: Let ‘Em In” premieres after the great “Lupus in Fabula”.…
Title: The Exorcist “Chapter Two: Lupus in Fabula” Network: Fox Air Date: September 30, 2016 Genre: Horror,…
The Exorcist’s second episode “Lupus in Fabula” premieres this Friday. After the twist at the end…