Or maybe it’s gonna be Artifact 2: Electric Boogaloo instead?
Sometimes, a reviewbomb is not enough
Let’s get straight to the Point
Something must be done
Either curate the games properly or go full ‘wild west’
I wonder what’s going to happen next
Episode 3 was being left for dead, after all
Gather evidence of your wins like never before
This is the season to be thankful for all the gaming deals
Get them while you can!
No more battery anxiety for us Steam Deck users.
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More +Something must be done
Either curate the games properly or go full ‘wild west’
I wonder what’s going to happen next
By Nat Collazo
Episode 3 was being left for dead, after all
Gather evidence of your wins like never before
This is the season to be thankful for all the gaming deals
By Patrick Armstrong and Others