In the last month, the movie Emilia Perez appeared several times, trending on X with many hashtags, although not all were positive. There are many reasons why not only Mexicans are upset with Emilia Perez, but also many Latin American people joined in against the film. Although it all started as a joke on TikTok, it reached unimaginable highs. The artist, Camila D. Aurora (camiileo), took it upon herself to direct Johanne Sacreblu, a short film, in response to Emilia Perez.
Among the many polemics that Emilia Perez brought is that it touches on a very sensitive subject, such as the disappearance of many people in Mexico and groups of dangerous people in the country. In addition, the movie has a musical format, which makes it feel inappropriate or like mockery. Then there is Selena Gomez‘s accent and the director’s polemic comments towards Spanish-speaking countries. Also, it is a movie about Mexico, which was not filmed in Mexico and has almost no Mexican actors.
The list of reasons why many Latinos hate Emilia Perez is much longer, but we will focus on Camila D. Aurora. Camila is a TikToker who started criticizing Emilia Perez, which made her want to do a very ambitious project. That’s how Johanne Sacreblu was born, a short film parody of Emilia Perez. Johanne Sacreblu got so much attention that it went viral on social networks after its premiere on YouTube. Also, Camila, with the help of her followers, is working on putting the short film in theaters. More and more news channels and newspapers have given Johanne Sacreblu a more significant highlight, so much so that Vanity Fair France featured a news report about it.
Camilia clarified on several occasions that it is not about offending France but about using the same stereotypes and little knowledge of a country that director Jacques Audiard used when talking about Mexico. Some users even say that the French themselves have fun watching Johanne Sacreblu.
Johanne Sacreblu has a lot of support, not only from Mexicans but also from people from other Latin American countries. So, we might see the film in theaters. There is even talk of “translating” it into different languages to hopefully make it a worldwide hit.