Title update 18.3 for The Division 2 has arrived, and the patch notes include changes to the Descent game mode, some balance updates to gear, and other general bug fixes. Most notably, the Global Directives will no longer give any bonus XP in the Descent, the Grants tab has been removed from the UI temporarily for improvements, and some specific gear has been moved to its targeted loot pool categories. These fixes and additions are not entirely game-changing but should add to the overall experience. Here is the complete list of patch notes for update 18.3 for The Division 2:
The Division 2 Update 18.3 Patch Notes

- Fixed the issue with getting the Nemesis Arm Patch after defeating the Nemesis
- Reduced the damage Nemesis deals in solo mode by 10%
- Fixed the issue with the missing Descent Project
- Fixed the issue with the Weekly Descent Project listing the Descent loop rewards
- Fixed the issue where the missing floor at the Nemesis Arena could cause the player to fall under the map
- Global Directives no longer grant bonus XP in Descent
- Fixed the issue with the player remaining stuck inside the corridor between the Water Treatment and Generators rooms while standing in a specific part of the corridor
- Fixed the issue with the pop-up buttons not showing up as clickable when interacting with consoles
- Fixed the issue that allowed players to reset the Boss Arena in order to acquire multiple Exotic talents and Stat Buffs in one loop on the DARPA map
- Fixed the issue that caused the Companion Talent and its Perfect version to be activated without being near an ally or skill
- Fixed the issue with the Unbreakable Talent and its Perfect version not activating on a newly equipped item with the same Talent
- Added Sacrum Imperium Exotic MR and NinjaBike Messenger Bag Exotic Backpack to their targeted loot pool categories
- Added St. Elmo’s Engine Exotic AR and Shocker Punch Exotic Holster to their targeted loot pool categories
- Please be aware that a blueprint needs to be unlocked through the Season Pass Reward Track first
- Temporarily removed the Grants Tab to perform the functionality update
- Fixed the overlapping text shown upon receiving the Johnson Glasses
- Player is no longer forced into the Descent mode when skipping the briefing cutscene after exiting the Descent
- Fixed the issue that caused the first shutter door to remain open while the Raid Leader resets the Iron Horse Raid before starting the Raid
- Added multiple localization fixes
- Removed the TO DO gear from the game
- Adjusted VFX for “Take my money” emote
- Fixed the issue with the infinite enemy spawn in the final beat of Medical Camp Attack Side Mission
- Fixed the audio issue affecting the settlement-specific music
- Fixed the issue with the agent getting stuck when walking over the garden bed prop in the Castle Settlement
For more information on future updates and patch notes, keep a close eye on The Nerd Stash. We also have patch notes for other popular games, like F1 23 and Street Fighter 6.
Title update 18.3 for The Division 2 is available on PlayStation 4,