Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama‘s marital issues continue to raise suspicion among their followers. The former President and First Lady’s recent behaviors have many followers believing they are secretly heading for a Grey Divorce. Obama fans believe that something big is about to take place regarding Michelle and Barack’s marriage. According to their followers, all signs point to a breakup for the pair.
Divorce rumors continue to circulate, and oddly enough, neither Barack Obama nor Michelle Obama are commenting on the gossip spreading across the globe. Michelle and Barack’s high-profile marriage and potential split have fans on high alert.
The Obamas are at a juncture in their lives that leads many to believe the pair may be heading for what is commonly known as a Grey Divorce. At ages 63 and 61, the couple have been married for 32 years. Their daughters, Malia Obama, 26, and Sasha Obama, 23, are grown and on their own.
Many couples decide to divorce at this time. A grey divorce, also known as the Silver Splitter, often occurs once a couple nears retirement age. Their children have all grown and started their own lives, leaving the parents growing apart with only each other in the home. The percentage of grey divorce in the United States is around 40 percent.
During this stage of marriage, couples are often secure in their careers and financially stable. However, ending a long-term marriage at this stage of life could be financially crippling for both parties, the Obamas included.
An Obama Divorce Could Get Tricky

So far, neither Michelle Obama nor Barack Obama have commented on the growing divorce speculation. Things appear to be somewhat rocky for the couple. Not only are Barack and Michelle a high-profile couple, but they have built quite an impressive net worth between them sans a prenuptial agreement, according to Radar Online.
Should the divorce rumors be true, things could get very messy for the Obamas. A nasty court battle could allegedly break out over the couple’s $70 million fortune.
Michelle Obama could also have the upper hand should she decide to end her three-decade marriage to Barack, especially if there is any truth to recent and ongoing infidelity rumors. As previously reported, last summer, rumors of an affair between Barack Obama and former Friends star Jennifer Aniston began heating up. Despite Aniston’s denial, the tawdry whispers continue.
According to Inquisitr, sources state, “Sure, somebody like Tyler Perry is going to be able to continue to maintain friendships with both of them. But further down the A-list pecking order, people are going to have to pick sides. Michelle will see to it.”
It has also been alleged that Barack Obama and Michelle Obama reportedly live separate lives. The speculation is fueled by the former First Lady’s noticeable absence at former POTUS Jimmy Carter’s state funeral and President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Barack Obama’s solo attendance and the fact that the couple ignored all the raging affair speculation and divorce gossip have their followers reaching for popcorn and awaiting answers. Time will tell how this plays out for Michelle and Barack. But for now, all eyes are on the Obamas.