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By using pro-movement techniques in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – MW3 and Warzone, you can have a higher chance of winning gunfights. Gaining momentum in 1v1 situations is key for shooters, and MW3 offers many moves and tricks for you to challenge your opponents. However, you need to perform these moves with the correct timing to defeat your target.
Automatic Sprint

This option is absolutely crucial to play much faster and smoother, without mashing buttons for walking and sprinting. Go to settings, and under the movement section, switch the behavior on Automatic Sprint. Then, put the Tactical Sprint Behaviour on a single tap, and you’re good to go.

With these movement options in Modern Warfare 3, you’ll be able to do a normal sprint without pressing the LS/L3 button. However, if you want to run faster, single tap the button, and you’ll go into Tactical Sprint mode. This helps you to have faster movement for rotations and changing positions.
Pro Slide Cancelling

Slide Cancel is a movement mechanic that has been featured in many Call of Duty titles. While running, if you press the crouch button, you’ll enter the slide. However, if you do a complete slide, your movement becomes completely predictable, making it easier for your opponents to send your operator to the afterlife. If you cancel the slide, it’ll shock your opponent’s aim, giving you a small timing window to run away or fight back.
Now, slide-canceling movement can be performed in three different ways in MW3:
- Slide + Crouch
- Slide + Sprint
- Slide + Jump
If you slide and press the same button after, your operator will go crouch. This is useful if you’re trying to reach a cover or go behind a wall as fast as possible. Now if you want to do it faster, press the sprint button in the middle of your slide to get up and continue running. However, the best slide canceling movement technique in Modern Warfare 3, is by pressing the jump button.
When you press the jump button during your slide in MW3, your operator won’t get off the ground like in Call of Duty: Mobile. Instead, you’ll be ready to shoot at a standing position in the quickest way possible. Master this combo by training it in normal matches, and you’ll become a vigilant fighter that is hard to hit.
Drop Shot

Drop shooting isn’t a new movement mechanic in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, but you can get easy kills with it. The way it works is that you shoot the enemy and go prone at the same time. This will give you an advantage in 1v1 combat. Remember that you can do the same by jumping up and down, and performing a jump shot.
Tactical Stance

The Tactical Stance is the new aiming mode that MW3 has brought to the game. This movement mechanic is available in both Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, and you can use it by changing your aiming type while in ADS. You can walk faster and get a clear view of what’s in front of you, but you’ll lose accuracy in comparison to full ADS.
The best time to use the Tactical Stance is while you’re trying to clear out the enemies inside a building. Or you can switch to Tactical Stance and slide kill your opponents. Checking corners and clearing out the campers is exactly what this aiming type is for.
Dolphin Dive

Dolphin Dive is one of the returning movement mechanics from the old Call of Duty games and MW2 in MW3. This move is best used when you’re trying to run away from a situation and dive behind a cover to get to a certain location faster. However, there’s more use to this movement in Warzone when you can force open your chute right after you dolphin dive forward.