Madison County, Tennessee, authorities are asking residents to be on the lookout for a group of thieves that robbed a local Citigo convenience store on Tuesday, March 4th. The four alleged suspects were caught on camera holding up the clerk, wielding two five-foot ball pythons as weapons.
It was quite a shock not only for, the Citigo employees but, also for the store’s customers. The surveillance tapes reveal the two males and females exiting their car. The group is seen entering the establishment with the two males thrusting the snakes at the cashier.
One Madison County, Tennessee Citgo employee, Mayur Raval spoke with the local news outlet WREG-TV News stating that he and his brother were working at the time of the theft. He recalls being startled when he saw the python snakes in the men’s hands.
“They were just waving [the pythons] around and putting them on the counter,” he states. Raval adds that he believes the thieves would have stolen much more if the store hadn’t been busy. Instead, he claims they only made off with around $400 worth of CBD oil.
Armed And Not So Dangerous?
The footage, which 731 Crime Stoppers also shared, shows a man placing the snakes on the counter while an accomplice engages the cashier. The suspects fled the scene in a four-door sedan with a trunk tied with bungee cords before the police arrived.
“They pulled their car up to the front of the door,” the clerk continues. “I think they planned to successfully come here and rob the store. The snake is a weapon, you know.”
“I would have laughed in their faces! Those snakes are harmless!” claims one commenter. “Wow, these geniuses didn’t even wear a mask, lol. But, they will be caught and get a slap on the wrist,” adds another.
Coincidentally, the Citigo snake armed robbery was not a first for the state of Tennessee. In 2024, Reginald Cook attempted to rob a Memphis Shell gas station with a large snake. The store just also happens to be located next door to Elvis’ Graceland estate.
Cook, reportedly made three attempts to rob the store before his final attempt. The third strike-out attempt was foiled when the cashier on duty pulled a handgun and called 911.
The thief was then taken into custody. However, it remains unclear where the snake, came from or what happened to the animal following the robbery attempt.
Madison County, Tennessee, police are urging anyone who may recognize any of the suspects to call Crime Stoppers at 731-424-8477.