Rumours have been flying about Thor’s third solo movie ever since Age of Ultron hit cinemas. With Thor leaving to investigate the infinity stones and his absence in Civil War, people are very keen to find out more about Thor Ragnarok. Well, some rumours have finally been put to rest with the official confirmation of the cast list.

First of all, it reiterates what many people are so excited about in ‘Thor Ragnarok’, that Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner/Hulk will be starring alongside Hemsworth’s Thor. Equally exciting is confirmation that Cate Blanchett will indeed be playing the movie’s villain Hela and Tessa Thompson will be playing Valkyrie.
Notable Thor veterans returning include Tom Hiddleston (breathe easy, fangirls), Idris Elba and Anthony Hopkins. Notably absent from the list are Jamie Alexander (Lady Sif) and the members of ‘The Warriors Three’. However, hope may not be lost for their inclusion in Thor Ragnarok. When asked about the issue on Twitter, Alexander replied;
Also joining the cast are Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster and Karl Urban as Skurge. Thor Ragnarok hits cinemas next year. Stay tuned to the Nerd Stash for more details.