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In addition to the console wars, gamers can’t let go of another fight involving one of the oldest RPG franchises in history. As you may already know, Final Fantasy 7 made a massive impact on the genre, and one of the most serious discussions involves Cloud’s ideal partner: Tifa, Aerith, or Yuffie. After a lot of introspection, playing the original game, and debating arduously with other players, I’ve come to a conclusion as to who would be the ideal companion for our iconic protagonist. And hopefully, it won’t spark a war among the game’s fan base.
Tifa is Cloud’s Ideal Partner in Final Fantasy 7

I’m ready to die on this hill defending the idea that Tifa is the ideal partner for Cloud in Final Fantasy 7. Of course, it’s also necessary to develop the idea a bit. Whether you’re a player of the Remake or the original game, you should know that both Aerith and Tifa have always been Cloud’s biggest ship. And frankly, there’s a lot of justification for them that only grew thanks to the modern version of this installment. So, although many of us would like to have the iconic spellcaster by Cloud’s side, Tifa knocked us out with her personality more than once by crowning herself as the perfect waifu.
From Nibelheim to the Edge

I’d like to go into detail on the whole story of Tifa and Cloud throughout the Final Fantasy 7 universe, but I wouldn’t want to cause spoilers. Besides, with Rebirth coming up, many will be experiencing the story for the first time. But I can say that from a young age, both Tifa and Cloud have been drawn to each other.
The edgy kid we know is only that way because he could never fit into a group. Despite his shyness, he always tried to seek Tifa’s attention before leaving for Midgar. Without going into details, so much was Tifa’s admiration for Cloud that he tried to save her from certain events in Nibelheim, although he failed in the attempt. After that, we meet the now mercenary who wants to be strong to impress his girl.
But in giving, there is also receiving. Within his thousands of adventures after what we saw in Final Fantasy 7: Remake, many things happen to Cloud. Tifa is the only person who stays by his side to support him, which continues even after the game. While it could be open to interpretation, their affection for each other is unmatched and genuine, making Tifa the ideal partner for Cloud.
And yes, I know what many are wondering, but what about Aerith? At the end of the day, she had too many moments with our favorite blond. Well, there are many reasons that I consider not very good for her to be Cloud’s partner. For starters, she already had her first and greatest love. Also, while she’s very nice to Cloud, I feel she’s a bit intense with her attitude, and our boy can barely express himself to say he wants to eat. Remember Aerith: baby steps. So, as much as I love all the characters in this franchise, Tifa, for me, will always be the ideal companion for our mercenary.