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Today the sun’s still sitting in Aquarius, but it’s making some interesting connections. We already know that Aquarius encourages us to be ourself in the most genuine and weird way possible, absolutely unapologetically, but with the Sun aligned with Pluto in Aquarius as well, there’s a bit more to it. Today, we’ll see a pretty big boost to our ability to manifest, as well as our luck, so we should do what we can to take advantage of it.
Today is the perfect day to give yourself a break from your ambitious ways and show yourself some love, but be sure not to go too easy on yourself. When the sun and Pluto in Aquarius align later on, take some time to really take a deep dive into the friendships and connections you’ve made over the years and weed out the toxic ones that don’t help to better you or further your progress. When the moon moves into Scorpio later, you’ll probably find yourself in the mood to get close with your partner and spend some time being intimate in some form. Later on this evening, be prepared to see some tension within your connections and your inner circle.
Today, you’ll find a sense of clarity that you don’t always have. You’ll be able to see clearly what you need to do to get past the roadblocks in your way. However, you should set aside time to make some changes at work. Switch things up and try using different methods to reach your desired outcomes. You might find ways to operate that you find you enjoy more than the usual ones you use. Later on when the moon moves into Scorpio, expect to feel overly romantic and spend some time with your partner. This evening when the moon comes up, spend some time putting boundaries in place and focus on yourself for the night.
Today you’ll probably feel rather supportive. With the sun and Pluto both aligned in Aquarius, there’s little you won’t be able to do, and you’ll definitely feel it. The universe wants you to succeed today. Make new moves, stand your ground, try different things today. When the moon enter Scorpio this evening, you’ll find yourself feeling passionate toward that which inspires you. Let down your guard and accept changes as they come, but don’t be scared of them.
You’ll probably make some big changes and transformation today, as the sun and Pluto align in Aquarius. While yesterday might have been the day to negotiate terms, today is the day for those negotiations to come to a close, but it doesn’t mean things will go smooth for you today either. Your day is, for the most part, in the universe’s hands, and if it decides that you need less than you have, understand that it’s for a good reason and there’s no reason to fight it. Later on when the moon moves into Scorpio, you’ll get a sense of clarity and you’ll be able to see through the masks of those around you. However, avoid tense conversations tonight, as they might arise when you aren’t expecting them.
The universe will be putting some pressure on your relationships today, willing them to change and transform into something so intense you must decide whether to entirely commit, or to take a break from other altogether. Before you make your decision, ensure that it is the correct path for you and your goals and dreams, as this choice can have a strong butterfly effect in your life. When the moon moves into Scorpio later on today, you’ll find that you actually have a really easy time reading those around you and your intuition will be very strong. However, along with that, it will make it easier for others to manipulate you, so be wary.
You’ll probably be motivated to get things done today, as the sun and Pluto align in Aquarius. Be ready to get that house work done that you’ve been putting off, start a new project, or maybe even try to get ahead on your work for the rest of the week. Put that motivation and determination to good use to make your home life and career a bit easier for you today. Be prepared to feel full of energy to accomplish anything you set your mind to in the morning and afternoon. This evening when the moon moves into Scorpio, keep your eyes open and pay attention to those around you, just make sure to be careful with what you reveal to others. Sometimes secrets are meant to stay secrets.
For you, Libra, today is all about revealing that which was once hidden to you. Pay attention and dive deep into your own self and those around you to see things for what they really are, rather than just viewing the surface. Take that knowledge that you find deep inside and use it to inspire your more creative projects today. Later on when the moon moves into Scorpio, expect to see success with your connections and relationships, whether they be with friends, partners, or family. Don’t be afraid to let loose and share information with those you trust, but keep a close eye on your own behavior. You might be a tad bit intense for those around you this evening.
Today’s a big day for manifesting for you, and also for seeing that which you usually can’t see. With the sun and Pluto in Aquarius and in alignment, your third eye will be getting a massive boost today. Trust and believe in your intuition, as it won’t let you down today. However, while it’s great time to look to the future and let your ambition overcome you, don’t let it cloud your view of the present and what’s going on in your life at the current moment. This evening when the moon enters into your sign, your third eye will be at its strongest, along with your other non-physical senses. This is a great time to take a few minutes or hours to meditate tonight.
Today, your manifestation will nearly be at its strongest, working through your words. What you speak, will likely come to fruition. Don’t take advantage of your manifestations today, and make sure you’re manifesting only that which will help to better yourself and those you care about. Don’t put your focus on things you can gain from this. Instead put the focus on the things you can rid yourself of and release to better your life. When you speak, ensure that those words have purpose. This evening when the moon moves into Scorpio, think about the different stages of your life that you’ve been through. Think about the various phases you’ve come into and left, putting a special emphasis on the phases that you’re currently in that you no longer need.
Today’s main focus is your financial state today. Don’t be too quick to spend money, but instead, figure out your finances, plan for the future, and start putting money away to save to afford luxuries later on. Think about how much things can change depending on your spending habits, and make solid plans. Later on in the afternoon, you should make steps to build on the foundations you’ve laid with those in your inner circle and your romantic partners. However, this evening, make sure you’re not making commitments you don’t intend to follow through on, as the urge to do so will be stronger than usual.
With both the sun and Pluto aligning in your sign this morning and afternoon, be ready to see some serious change coming for you. Focus on the various ways your life and situation can improve depending on what path of change you decide to follow over the coming days. You hold all the cards and all the power to change and control the changes that happen. This evening when the moon moves into Scorpio, take some time to look to the future, making plans and goals for future dates, but don’t let the obstacles standing in your way upset you too much.
Today is all about careful contemplation. With the sun and Pluto aligned in Aquarius, there’s much to think about. Think about how every step you take can make way for a brighter, more enjoyable future and make plans to work your way toward that future with determination. This evening when the moon moves into Scorpio, you should set aside some time to work on spiritual practices. You’ll be extremely connected and in tune with the energetic forces around you, but ensure that you don’t expend too much of your own energy tonight.