Tom Cruise lives on his terms. He generally doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about his lifestyle. Lately, however, his friends worry that the Top Gun star is taking his obsessions to dangerous extremes.
Insiders reveal that Tom Cruise has recently become obsessed with dangerous stunts and anti-aging. Fans know Tom loves pushing the envelope, especially when performing his over-the-top stunts. He insists on doing everything himself, no matter the risk level.
However, Tom Cruise’s love of danger doesn’t stop with performing stunts in his films. According to Radar Online, the actor has recently acquired a new obsession, and like everything else in his life, Tom is taking things to extremes.

The source claims that Tom is so obsessed with staying young that he installed a cryotherapy machine in his home to slow down the process. Cruise’s daily routine also includes freezing his body to stay youthful and boost his metabolism.
A Tom Cruise informant reveals that biohacking is “one of Tom’s big passions,” adding that he “loves the idea of outsmarting nature, and is always reading up on the latest science, meticulously researching ways he can stay feeling and—more importantly—looking young.”
Tom Cruise Goes All-In On Staying Forever Young
At age 62, Tom Cruise traded in his daily ice baths for his daily use of fat-freezing cryotherapy therapy sessions. Tom submerges his body daily in extremely cold temperatures to treat medical issues such as skin conditions and athletic injuries.
“He swears that cold exposure is the fountain of youth.” Tom has done a lot of research on the subject and thinks people “are living in the dark ages if they don’t embrace the latest methods for increased longevity.”
The source adds that Tom Cruise “literally freezes himself every day” and has convinced himself that cryotherapy has given him “an edge” that is “better than drinking ten cups of coffee in the morning.”
His pals are worried that Tom believes he has ‘something to prove.’ So he forces himself to stay in the cryo chamber at minus 220 degrees Fahrenheit, well over the recommended 5-minute max. If that is not extreme enough, Tom Cruise also uses monthly liquid nitrogen facials to keep his skin looking young.
When his friends confront him on the subject, Tom Cruise allegedly laughs their concerns off. He admits that he has no plans to slow down anytime soon. Tom plans on being around for a very long time. He believes that, with all the extreme measures, he should live well into his hundreds.