Tom Cruise may have found the fountain of youth. The actor has been on the A-list since hitting it big in the 1980s. Over the decades, he’s stayed at the top of his game and made a name for himself as a bonafide action star. In addition, Cruise is widely praised for doing his own dangerous stunts. He even recently closed the 2024 Paris Olympics with a wild performance. Now, his secret to keeping his body young and feeling good is now being revealed.
According to Heat World sources, Tom Cruise is always looking for new ways to keep himself looking and feeling young. Recently, he’s allegedly been using a cryo chamber at dangerously low temperatures. Of course, he’s convinced he’s keeping him at the top of his game.

Tom Cruise Uses Extreme Cold Therapy to Keep Himself Looking and Feeling Young
“Biohacking is one of Tom’s big passions,” an insider tells the outlet. “He loves the idea of outsmarting nature, and is always reading up on the latest science, meticulously researching ways he can stay feeling, and – more importantly – looking young. He swears that cold exposure is the fountain of youth, and thinks people are living in the dark ages if they don’t embrace the latest methods for increased longevity.
He’s been into ice baths for a number of years, but he’s now stepped it up and gotten a cryotherapy chamber for his home, so that he can literally freeze himself every day as a way to boost his metabolism and slow down the ageing process. He’s convinced that it given him an edge, and says it’s better than drinking ten cups of coffee in the morning.”
The informant went on to reveal that Cruise’s cryo chamber can get as cold as negative 220 degrees. The insider also claimed that the actor often “pushes the limits” of how long he stays in the chamber, which could be considered dangerous. However, he reportedly loves the way he feels after experiencing the cold therapy.
“As far as he’s concerned, this is going to help him live well into his hundreds,” says the source.
Tom Cruise making headlines for his controversial behavior or beliefs is nothing knew. However, it remains to be seen if he’s on to something when it comes to his anti-aging tactics. It seems that only time will tell if he’s found the secret to staying youthful.