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Call of Duty: Warzone Season 3 has changed the meta in favor of some of the MW2 weapons, while MW3 kings of the previous season are still on the scene. Renetti came to steal the show in the last weeks of Warzone Season 2 Reloaded until it was nerfed harshly. Since then, other SMGs and AR guns have gained the spotlight to earn the meta title in Warzone Season 3.
10. RAM-7

Since the first season of Warzone in the MW3 era, RAM-7 has held its ground as one of the best weapons in the game. The gun wasn’t a meta-changer at first, but players found ways to utilize the power by controlling RAM-7’s unsteady recoil. The addition of JAK BFB attachment for managing both the horizontal and vertical recoil played a huge role in RAM-7’s quest of becoming a meta gun in Warzone. And after many continuous nerfs, the RAM AR still kicks.
9. XRK Stalker

XRK Stalker was known as an unfortunate weapon during the MW3 and Warzone Season 2. The weapon came with the highest damage stats in its category, but well, it lacked what a meta sniper rifle needs: One-shot kills. Not even with the explosive bullets the XRK was able to execute. However, this has changed since the last season, and even with a slight nerf on mobility, XRK Stalker is the fastest one-shot-killing sniper rifle in Warzone Season 3.
8. BAS-B

The battle rifles category had never shined last year with MW2 weapons until BAS-B and MTZ 762 came along with the release of MW3. The BAS-B battle rifle hits hard, and with a well-managed loadout, the user gets to experience one of the best TTKs a meta gun would have in Warzone Season 3. The heavy hitter was nerfed a season ago, but now it’s back in action!

MORS is a very tricky weapon to handle. Sometimes you feel like you’ve aimed directly at the enemy’s head, and you still miss the shot. It’s probably for the aim assist as far as the community is concerned. However, we can’t deny that the MORS is the strongest sniper rifle in MW3 and Warzone. With a barrel attachment, you get to charge up the rifle, and shoot through any wall! Combine this with the Combat Scout perk in Warzone and you’ll play like a cheater.
6. SOA Subverter

Joining the battle rifle’s meta yard, the SOA Subverter came to Warzone in the previous season. It was powerful, and it still is hitting heavy punches with every shot. The only downside to this weapon, however, is that you need to handle an uncomfortable horizontal recoil. Even the JAK BFB muzzle is unable to reduce this recoil on its own, but the addition of other attachments will make the change.
5. MX9

No one would’ve ever thought that the MX9 would receive a damage buff in Warzone Season 3 meta. The MX9 used to be a powerhouse SMG during the Warzone 2 era last year, and now the developers have kicked its stats up a notch. High fire rate, perfect accuracy, and high damage delivery are what MX9 is capable of. The low magazine size might be the only downside that holds this SMG from reaching the best Warzone Season 3 meta guns.
4. HRM-9

Since the addition of the HRM-9 SMG in the last season, it has held its ground so hard to stay in the metaground of Warzone and MW3. Even after nerfs, HRM-9 is one of the best guns to use in close to mid-range combats of Warzone and MW3 Season 3, highlighting efficient sniper support.
3. WSP-9

The WSP-9‘s damage stats are so high that it even exceeds the HRM-9 in the TTK speed. In fact, anything with a 9 in its name is a meta weapon in Warzone and MW3 regardless of the season. The WSP-9 is the reimagination of UZI in Call of Duty, delivering power, a balanced fire rate, and an eye-catching effective range.
2. XRK IP-V2 COR-45

If there’s anything that can beat an SMG in close-range combat, that would probably be a meta pistol. We had the Renetti giving every single SMG in Warzone and MW3 a run for their money; until it was nerfed. Now with the Renetti out of the picture, there’s a new pistol conversion kit that the developers have forgotten to nerf: The XRK IP-V2 Cor-45.
1. JAK Raven MCW

MCW is so miserable in MW3 and Warzone. Introduced as the meta, got nerfed to hell twice thereafter. There’s been three seasons that we’ve been waiting for a buff on the MCW, and oh we do have one in Warzone Season 3. There’s a conversion kit for the MCW called the JAK Raven, gifting more fire rate and mobility stats to your weapon. That said, the JAK Raven MCW‘s TTK is so quick that it feels like killing armorless players in the MW3 Multiplayer!
Overall, all these guns are in the Warzone Season 3 meta yard, considering their power, TTK, and balance of accuracy. However, the only weapon that can beat the Renetti and replace it after the nerf, is the JAK Raven MCW.
Call of Duty: Warzone is currently available to play on PS5, PS4,