Uncharted 4’s multiplayer will be open to the public this weekend, starting March 4.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8rQt88MItI[/embedyt]
The beta has previously only been available to those who purchased Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and has given players a peek at what to expect when Nathan Drake’s final adventure hits store shelves in a month or two. The upcoming beta will be available to everyone, even those without a PlayStation Plus account. In order to access the game, you just need to download the multiplayer client, which is already available.

The Uncharted series has had a multiplayer component since Uncharted 2 in 2009 but has always been little more than a standard third-person shooter with a unique movement and verticality. Uncharted 4 is fully embracing the supernatural aspects of the series and imbuing players with ancient artifacts that heal them, give them a quick burst of speed, change their attacks, or even throw out a giant sarcophagus that spews death and destruction, toppling any player foolish enough to approach it.
You can play as almost all of the characters from the many games in the series, including Nate, Sully, Elena, Chloe, Cutter, and even the notorious villains from each title. The gameplay has also been refined to take full advantage the game’s verticality and new innovations like the rope hook.

From what little we have seen of the competitive modes of Uncharted 4, they’re already doing their absolute best to make multiplayer something that can stand up against the stellar single player that the franchise has become known for.
The Multiplayer beta will start Friday, March 4 and run through the weekend. Uncharted 4 releases April 26, 2016, for PS4.