At PSX 2016 Uncharted: The Lost Legacy was revealed to Playstation fans. Whether you view it as singleplayer content for Uncharted 4 or the next standalone experience in the Uncharted series, there is a lot to be excited about. We learned back at PSX that the game will focus on Uncharted veterans Chloe and Nadine and will follow their quest to find the Tusk of Ganesh. Game Informer has recently shared numerous details on both the gameplay, the narrative and the lineage of Lost Legacy.
Chloe and Nadine know of each other but they don’t really know each other. Chloe has hired Nadine to help her retrieve the Tusk of Ganesh before rival treasure hunter Asav does. Asav apparently being the game’s antagonist. Creative Director Shaun Escayg discussed how Lost Legacy will be more of a, “grounded story.” Focussing on Chloe’s Indian heritage, her relationship with her father and of Hinduism. The story will tie in greater themes to Chloe’s story such as the Hoysala Empire, the Jewel honoring Ganesh they created and the Hindu gods.
The smaller scope of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy means Naughty Dog can refine many of the things they learned from Uncharted 4 but also expand. Designer James Cooper when speaking of the Western Ghats (one of the locations within the game) told Game Informer that they have created the largest Uncharted level yet. While exploring these environments Chloe will record her findings, drive a jeep and encounter far more puzzles than Drake did in his last adventure. The Lost Legacy will also introduce players to a lock picking mini-game.

Naughty Dog also revealed that Chloe and Nadine weren’t their first choice to star in the game. Sam and Sully were considered but inevitably dropped due to Sully’s age in the current timeline. And (SPOILER ALERT) Nathan and Elena’s daughter Cassie was also a candidate. But Naughty Dog was troubled by the ethical ramifications of someone so young killing mass amounts of people. So Nadine and Chloe were decided upon. The relationship between, these two previously unexplored characters, will evolve through the gameplay and narrative of Lost Legacy. Nadine will play a similar role to Sam in combat but will be more inclined to assist you, as your relationship strengthens.
There’s a lot to unpack here and a lot to be excited about. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy releases at some point this year and may well and truly be our final adventure in the Uncharted universe. As Co-President of Naughty Dog Evan Wells stated that it is unlikely Naughty Dog will ever return to the franchise, with the company’s gaze firmly set on The Last of Us Part 2 and new I.P. For everything on Uncharted stay tuned to