Intelligent would definitely not be the first word that comes to mind when describing a particular person aboard flight 1332 for United Airlines. During a trip from Los Angeles International Airport to Chicago O’Hare International Airport, one delusional passenger thought they could get away with a quick smoke inside the plane’s bathroom. Well, they were wrong, and the pilot made sure that the passenger understood their crime.
“There are 189 of you on this flight. While we make our final descent, please know we are going to be safe and sound, but that could have changed because one person decided to risk the lives of the other 188. You know who you are and your actions will have consequences.”
The announcement above came from the United Airlines pilot when the flight to Chicago neared its end. The cigarette addict threatened the lives of almost 200 people aboard the plane and hopefully received justice when they got off board. “I thought this was common knowledge!” exclaims the user who posted the story on Reddit. And they are correct, but many tobacco junkies can’t seem to give up their habits, even for just a few hours or at the cost of hundreds of lives. For instance, two women in the video below thought they could secretly smoke aboard a flight but forgot that there are smoke detectors in the bathrooms.
“This happened to me on a flight from SFO to ICN in September 2023. Alarms started going crazy,” reads the top Reddit post’s top comment. “This old woman stepped out of the lav with smoke all around her,” the writer remarked. Many users wondered why the smoker couldn’t just chew nicotine gum or use something similar. However, multiple replies stated how hard it is from personal experience to stop smoking, even for just a little while.
“Lots of smokers have a delusional belief that they can be discrete and no one will notice them smoking/vaping if they take some minimal precautions,” one commenter notes, claiming that they know because they used to be one. Whatever the case, addiction withdrawal symptoms or not, no one should think their needs superior to risk other people’s lives.