Considering how the last console generation went, everyone had sensibly expected an upgraded
Upgrading The Current Generation Xbox
Phil believes this is not a reasonable time for a console rerelease, and for the team at Microsoft, this is “the end of the beginning” of this generation. Spencer continued that if consoles get hardware upgrades every two or three years, they would be more like PCs than traditional consoles. It is worth noting that this does not mean that the
Another thing that Phil did not mention is that this console generation has been completely different compared to any other in the past. Usually, a new generation would draw a hard line between the games that came for the new console and those that went on the old one. This time, both Microsoft and Sony opted for a more cross-generational approach for their most prominent titles. And since some people are still happy and content with their PlayStation 4 Pro or
On the other hand, leaks suggest that Sony is working on a slimmer version of the PlayStation 5 and the Pro version. Sony has also announced the PlayStation Portal, a confounding handheld device limited to locally streaming PlayStation 5 games and nothing else. But is priced at $199.99.