The open road can be fraught with danger, though you’d likely imagine that irate drivers with a penchant for violence wouldn’t be too high on the list. Sadly, you’d be wrong. In fact, in a recent survey, 96% of respondents reported witnessing at least one episode of road rage in the past six months, per The Zebra. Today, we can add another one to the record, as a shocking road rage clip shared to Reddit is making the rounds.
The incident reportedly occurred in Vancouver, Washington and was captured by the victim of the incident, who filmed the video footage from their car. Helping to give a little context is a short description, which accompanies the clip: “This happened to my dad yesterday. He was trying to pass this… gentleman… who was definitely not having it.”
Straight off the bat, the clip kicks things off in wild style, with a man in a blue t-shirt, black-and-white baseball cap, and jeans spitting at the victim’s car window. The “gentleman” then walks away to his silver vehicle parked in front. It’s a little unclear what the man is doing here, but presumably, he’s speaking to and interacting with a passenger in his vehicle.
The “gentleman” then returns to the victim’s car and proceeds to jump on the vehicle bonnet in an attempt to cause as much damage as possible. After four furious leaps, the man hops off the bonnet and begins to return to his vehicle. Before hopping back into his car, however, he looks back at the cameraman and makes an offensive gesture with both of his hands, which is where the snippet of footage ends.
With the video circulating on social media platforms right now, the internet was quick to weigh in on the incident as users pored over the startling footage. Of course, most users took umbrage with the man’s violent behavior, with some users insinuating that his abusive conduct may be a sign of deeper issues.
This guy reeks of domestic abuse
Others, meanwhile, were amused by the embarrassing reveal of his backside within the video footage.
The butt crack at the end. Any time someone is called “gentleman”, they are usually far from it. Rabid dog.
On that note, another commenter chimed in with: “And now his embarrassing carpenter crack is immortalized on the Internet.”
Elsewhere, a few Redditors joked that they would’ve reversed the car as the man was jumping to really rain on his parade, with one user writing: “You’re supposed to back up just as his feet land.” earning them over 3,600 upvotes.
While it’s not clear what the resulting fallout was from the incident, we hope that the victim reported the damage that was done to their vehicle to the police, as most insurance companies require a police report on file for violent incidents such as these. Whatever the case may be, however, the internet is not best pleased with this gentleman’s unruly behavior.