Guess who’s back? Back again. Negan’s back. Tell a friend. That’s right, on this new episode of The Walking Dead, Negan returns for the first time since the start of the second half. After last week’s episode “New Best Friends” it appears the Walking Dead will be jumping back in time briefly as we see the aftermath of Daryl’s escape from the Sanctuary. In addition to the hunt for Daryl, we’ll see seeing the captive Eugene and just what Negan may have in-store for him.
Fans of the comics are well aware of Dwight’s eventual turn against Negan. While the Walking Dead could throw a curve ball and not go that route, it seems unlikely given what we know and have seen thus far. Since the opening of season seven, viewers have seen Dwight suffer under Negan’s thumb. Dwight will no doubt be blamed for Daryl escaping. Currently, we have yet to see just who helped Daryl escape in the first place. Many have put their money on Sherry but viewers can expect to find out in this episode. It’ll be interesting to see how it all unfold and just what type of fallout Dwight may suffer.

In addition to seeing the aftermath of Daryl’s escape, we can expect to see what has become of Eugene after being taken from Alexandria. With Negan becoming aware of Eugene’s bullet making capabilities, it would seem highly unlikely that he would be killed. Although, in the previews, Eugene was present in the room of that iron being heated up. Will Dwight be getting another burn for losing Daryl? Perhaps, Eugene may be getting the iron or…it could be someone else entirely. The all new episode of the Walking Dead airs this Sunday on AMC. Be sure to check back after the episode for our full review.