Illuminae, a popular young adult sci-fi novel from authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, will be adapted into a movie.
Hollywood Reporter reports that actor Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment and Warner Bros. will be producing an adaption for the book.
Illuminae is a story that’s told using a dossier of found documents, text and instant messages, and classified files: an admittedly unique narration style. Other fictional sources the book pulls from are ship schematics and casualty lists. Some readers complained about the odd, non-traditional storytelling format while others praised Kaufman and Kristoff for taking bold narrative risks.

The book is about a young hacker, Kady Grant, and her ex-boyfriend who wrestle with the dissolution of their relationship. While all of that is happening, the two eventually discover an intergalactic war taking place. Let’s not forget to mention they have to deal with an enemy alien race, a deadly virus and rogue artificial intelligence.
Got that? Great.
Plan B picked up the adaptation after reviewing an early manuscript of the book, which has drawn vivid comparisons to titles like Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and Andy Weir’s The Martian, which later became a box office hit starring Matt Damon.