Strafing is a technique in shooting games that allows the player to have a higher chance of staying alive in a gunfight. Now, while Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 limited some of the movement mechanics, MW3 is bringing them back and making it much easier to strafe. Slide canceling, tactical stance, and faster weapon draw are some of the returning movement mechanics to let you do strafing in Modern Warfare 3. But how do you use them?
Strafing is moving around the target while using your movement skills in MW3. If you’re facing opponents in the game, you can do a zig-zag move or slide behind or around them while keeping your aim. If you’re accurate enough, they’ll face the challenge of tracking your next move while you have the option to escape their fire.

Now you can do many things to get strafing kills in MW3 – Modern Warfare 3. The best of the best here is to pick the Stalker Boots in your loadout and move fast in the tactical stance mode around the targets. This is the way you can unlock the Priceless camo for the DG-58 LSW weapon.
You can also do jumping and sliding to move around your opponents. In fact, if you slide around the enemy, you’ll be able to draw your weapon and shoot the target. Or, you can just press the jump button while sliding, and cancel the movement. This will sway your opponent’s aim, giving you a chance to shoot down the target.