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Once you have the Glacial Passage key, you can visit a new icy area in Dave the Diver. It is a late-game region, however, so don’t expect to see it right after you begin the game. You must complete a few things to get to the Glacial Passage, including finding the key. We will help you track down the key and any other prerequisites so you can visit this new area crawling with more Dave the Diver lore and creepy enemies.
Glacial Passage Key Guide in Dave The Diver

Your quest for the Glacial Passage begins in Chapter 4. At the village, you will first interact with Tenzhin and then speak to Suwan who will take you to the Abandoned Cave. Your new objective will show up: “Find Glacial Passage Key.” You will find yourself in some battles. So, be sure you’re ready with supplies before you begin the mission.
To get through the Glacial Passage mission in Dave the Diver, you must complete the following steps:
- Find The Mural Painting
- Find The Key
- Pick Up The Key
Once you enter the Cave and are able to move again, swim left until you get to another cutscene with the Gadon. Afterward, there is only one path to follow in your quest for the Glacial Passage key in Dave the Diver. You’ll soon swim to the area with the Mural Painting on the wall. Following another brief cutscene, you’ll have to copy the Mural by placing the rocks in the proper spots on the altar. It’s straightforward, but you can check the image below to see how it should look:

If you’re struggling during the Glacial Passage mission in Dave the Diver, ensure all the rocks are lighting up. That way, you will know they’re in the right spot. The key will appear after a cutscene. All that’s left to do is leave. Easy enough, right?
Escaping with the Glacial Passage Key in Dave The Diver

It’s time to leave the Abandoned Cave and return to Tenzhin with the Glacial Passage key. However, the earthquake caused the bars to break and free the Gadons. Now, they roam the Cave. This part is vital: you cannot defeat the Gadons. No matter what weapon you bring to the fight, the Gadon will catch and kill you. The only thing you can do is hide until you have the room to swim away.
Once you slip by the Gadons and exit the Cave, you must face down John Watson. It’s not too difficult of a fight. Grab the baseball bat in the yellow container below you and you can hit his missiles away. It won’t take long to defeat him. When you finish the fight, loot the suit pieces left behind and return to Tenzhin to complete the mission.
Going Through the Glacial Passage Door
In Dave the Diver, the Glacial Passage isn’t available once you give the key to Tenzhin. You’ll have to wait a day and return to the palace. Meet Suwam in front of the palace, and he’ll guide you to the Glacial Passage door. Simply go through, and you have succeeded in finding the Glacial Passage. The area features loads of fish, so bring the appropriate arsenal to deal with them. There are also more Gadons that you must avoid, so take caution when exploring this area.
How To Get Topaz in Dave The Diver
Dave the Diver is available on PC.