Part of playing Elden Ring is the thrill of building your character as you see fit. There are a lot of builds out there that focus on certain stats or weapons. For those who like Faith and Dexterity builds, there is a great weapon you can find mid to late-game. The Godslayer’s Greatsword is a sword that does a huge amount of damage and scales perfectly with the previously mentioned stats. For those who want to focus on casting certain incantations while also doing melee damage, this is a good weapon. The not-so-great news, though, is that you need to travel far and deep to find it.
Where to find the Godslayer’s Greatsword in Elden Ring
Elden Ring gives players the freedom to go wherever they please whenever they want. While some areas require you to beat some bosses, some others are accessible earlier, but, with some more difficulty. Still, it is worth a shot. Well, today we’ll guide you on your journey to where to find the Godslayer’s Greatsword in Elden Ring with these steps:
- Beat Starscourge Radhan (you can access the tower earlier, but we recommend beating this boss first).
- Reach at least level 60 and make sure your weapons are upgraded to +10 or +12.
- Head towards the Divine Tower of Caelid, in the Northern part of Caelid. You can reach it by traveling from Dragonbarrow.
- Follow the tree roots and the platforms to reach the site of grace inside the Tower.
- Once you’ve done that, make your way by jumping off the platforms to reach the basement
- Down there, you’ll have to face the Godskin Apostole.
- Once beaten, go to the back room and get the sword. It is inside a chest.

While the steps sound easy, they require some work and a lot of patience. Especially when it comes to reaching the basement. Making your way down can be hard and lead to many deaths, so make sure to land correctly to avoid starting all over. We recommend using sleep arrows or weapons and Lhutel the Headless for the boss. With these things, you’ll be able to get the weapon in no time. This is all we have on where to find the Godslayer’s Greatsword in Elden Ring. It is definitely a great weapon to have on most Faith builds, so get ready to explore the vast world of this Game of the Year award winner and find everything it offers.