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Whenever you venture out into The Shatter in Wizard With A Gun, you will be working under the limits of your Chaos Timer. Though, you only have five minutes before that timer runs out and you will be at the mercy of the Chaos. However, there are ways to Reduce the Chaos and increase your Chaos Timer. One way includes defeating enemies, which you can typically pick up Arcane Tomes from, and defeating Chaos Portals. Each method increases the Chaos Timer that is set for you immediately after completing your time rollback with the Chronomancers Wheel.
Increasing Your Chaos in Wizard With A Gun by Defeating Enemies

You can increase your Chaos Timer in Wizard With A Gun by defeating Chaos monsters. However, there is one Chaos monster in particular that is capable of reducing the chaos. This monster, that I call a Chaos Eye, actually drops Chaos Eyes. Chaos Eyes are an important resource for both crafting and unlocking new and more powerful bullets to fight the Chaos with.
You can tell a Chaos Eye location by the landmark shown in the image above. It appears as a large pink circle with some Chaos bubbles in the center of it. As soon as you enter the circle, the Chaos Eye emerges from the ground and begins attacking.
The Chaos Eye alternates between doing an impressive ground-slam attack and shooting a laser at you that can deal massive amounts of damage. Though, you will see a red indicator on the ground that shows where the attack will land, so you can easily avoid its attacks. Once you’ve defeated the Chaos Eye, you will be able to Reduce Chaos and increase your Chaos Timer by three minutes.
Reduce Chaos With Chaos Portals

Another, and quite a bit easier way to reduce the Chaos and increase your Chaos Timer in Wizard With A Gun is to destroy Chaos Portals. Chaos Portals randomly pop up throughout The Shatter. Each of these Chaos Portals is relatively small and can be shot down quickly with nearly any type of bullet. If you take them out fast enough before they can spit out a Chaos monster, you will be able to Reduce the Chaos by 30 seconds.
However, there are more than one type of Chaos Portals within The Shatter. If you look on the map, there are certain portals that can be seen as an icon on the map. These are Stationary Chaos Portals. Stationary Chaos Portals are much harder to destroy, and spit out monsters regularly at you until they are defeated. The longer it takes to destroy them, the stronger the monsters are that they spawn. Every time they spawn new monsters, the portal itself becomes immune for a few seconds. However, once you’ve destroyed it, you can Reduce the Chaos and increase the Chaos Timer by three minutes.
To quickly summarize how to increase the Chaos timer, follow the steps below.
- Defeat Chaos Eye enemies and collect the Chaos Eyes materials they drop.
- Find and destroy Chaos Portals before they release enemies.
- Destroy enemy hordes around Chaos Portals and then close the portals themselves.
Wizard With A Gun is now available on PC,