Warner Bros. and DC gave fans a fresh look into 2017’s Wonder Woman film in Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con today. The trailer runs at almost 3 minutes and filled to the brim with action. Take a look:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lGoQhFb4NM[/embedyt]
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Compared to other DC trailers, Wonder Woman looks to be more of a mix in tone. In some scenes it is dark, others light in tone. It makes sense when you look at the overall scope. Wonder Woman takes place during World War I, though we might expect some modern scenes to fit into the future Justice League film, also coming out next year.
Director Patty Jenkins looks to bring some gravitas to the title character. Some of the action is in slow motion, but it might not be in the final product. We will have to wait and see. Fans though might feel some happiness to see Diana Prince using the lasso of truth with her sword and fists in one combination.

Besides trailers for Wonder Woman, we also got looks at next years Justice League and next months Suicide Squad. It looks like DC is stepping up their game and might be able to finally compete with Marvel. Only time will tell, but please don’t fight about Marvel vs DC.
What are your thoughts on the trailer? Are you excited for Wonder Woman? Sound off in the comments below!