Pokemon has released three new Funko Pops, and fans of Greninja, Chimchar, and Snubbull can get adorable, collectible versions of their favorite pocket monsters starting today. Funko’s been hard at work expanding their Pokemon lineup lately, with other new releases, including Grookey, Luxray, Wooloo, and the Gen 1 Starters are a 3-piece set. If Pokemon isn’t your thing, there’s also new Inuyasha, Rebel Moon, 85th Anniversary Wizard of Oz, and Lilo & Stitch Funko Pops, available through Amazon, Entertainment Earth, Hot Topic, and other retailers.
Funko Pop Releases New Pokemon Figurines From Ye Olde Generations

Anyone familiar with older Pokemon games will surely be familiar with Greninja, Chimchar, and Snubbull. Greninja is the final evolution of Froakie, the water starter for Generation 6; Chimchar is the fire starter for Generation 4, and Snubbull has technically been around since Generation 2 but only got its Fairy typing in Generation 6. Snubbull, Chimchar, and Greninja’s Funko Pops are available through Amazon and Entertainment Earth, along with Funko Pops for Grookey, Wooloo, and Luxray, among others. If you want to go all the way back to Gen 1, you can also get a 3-piece set with Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle in Professor Oak’s lab.
Along with the new Pokemon figurines, Funko has also released new Funko Pops for Inuyasha, with new additions including Miroku, Koga, Inuyasha, Kogome, and more. Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon has Funko Pops for Gunnar, Milius, Tarak, and Kora, among others. The Wizard of Oz has released special sepia-toned Funko Pops of Dorothy and Toto for its 85th anniversary, and Disney’s Lilo & Stitch will be releasing new Pops of Lilo, Stitch, and Stitch in costume coming to a retailer near you. Other new Funko Pop releases include Harry Potter, Spider-Man 2, 65th Anniversary Sleeping Beauty, and 50th Anniversary Wolverine, including a figure with battle damage included.
Be sure to check out Amazon, Entertainment Earth, and Funko’s official website to get your favorite Funk Pop today.