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Wonder weapons are one of the unique properties that you’d only find in CoD Zombies. Shooting lasers, releasing thunders, and incinerating the undead with staff are much more fun than a bare-bone M16 vs zombies experience. However, not all these wonder weapons are best for slaying the walking corpses in Call of Duty Zombies maps, hence why we’ve gathered a list of the top 10 here, ranking the finest of these guns.
10. Ray Gun

Ray Gun is an all-time favorite for many of the Call of Duty Zombies fans and it really does deserve a seat here among the best wonder weapons. It’s in almost every single Zombies map, it’s powerful and yet very light to run and shoot with, it has more ammo than many of the other wonder guns, and it could carry you on high rounds after Pack-A-Punch. Balanced, deadly, and cool to use. Not to mention that the firing sound effect on this gun is just what zombies mean to players like me.
9. 31-79 JGb215

If there ever was a Worst Name of The Weapon award, it’d go to the 31-79 JGb215, also known as the baby gun. The dev has probably punched the keyboard to come up with this name, but the gun is OP in Call of Duty Zombies despite its title. Every shot turns the undead into mini-zombies and you can kick them as you walk past the horde; “The Doctor Kicks You In The Nuts!”
8. Ray Gun Mark II

Ray Gun Mark II is basically Ray Gun on steroids. A burst shooting wonder weapon with more firepower and a crazy headshot multiplier. The weapon was first introduced in Black Ops 2 and again, it’s almost featured in all Zombies maps onwards; before the Dark Aether era of course. The gun can’t go fully automatic, which could be nice, but its fire rate isn’t bad at all. Combine this with Deadshot Daiquiri and you’re slaying a horde of zombies in a second.
7. Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23

This one is straight up from the all-new Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, because if you use the weapon so much, it doesn’t break. I mean who thought of a wonder weapon that actually cracks in BO2 Tranzit? The new one, which comes with the same name, is one of the best wonder weapons in Call of Duty Zombies for two reasons: 1. You got infinite ammo. 2. It’s got an alternate firing mode that blasts zombies away.
6. Wunderwaffe DG-2

The first crowd-control wonder weapon of the Call of Duty Zombies mode is also one of its best of all time. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 electrifies a horde of zombies, killing anyone close to the target area; including you! Yes, that’s why it’s not higher on this list as it tends to slow your health regeneration if you accidentally zap yourself with the Wunderwaffe. Also, did you know that Wunderwaffe literally means wonder weapon? Pretty cool huh?
5. Storm Bow

Besting the Wunbderwaffe DG-2 is the Storm Bow from Der Eisendrache. Not only do you get to kill a crowd of zombies using this wonder weapon, but it also creates a moving storm that literally takes out enemies on its way. This is way too overpowered for the undead and that’s why we’ve picked it as one of the best wonder weapons of all time in Call of Duty Zombies.
4. Zap Gun – Wave Gun

What’s better than 1 wonder weapon? 2 wonder weapons. The Wave Gun made its debut on The Moon Zombies map in BO1, blasting the undead into outer space. Its power is somehow comparable to the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and other crowd-control wonder guns, but its win card is that you can detach the rifle and make it a dual-wield Zap Gun! That means double the ammo and double the fun.
3. Paralyzer

Infinite ammo and almost infinite damage are what the Paralyzer is capable of. This gun is one of the best for going high rounds in Buried, but as soon as you reach a certain mark around round 70, it just stops the massacre. If you’ve got a teammate to free-fire all the zombies you hit with the Paralyzer, it works for going even above 70.
2. Balmung

Got stuck in a tight situation surrounded by zombies and want a way out? That’s what a great wonder weapon should be capable of delivering. Balmung, among all the swords in Citadelle des Morts, does that without needing any max ammo or extra points to buy some. Just kill 15 to 20 zombies, then press the aim and fire button to spawn a free LT53 Kazimir. You can do this as much as you want and get the same result on any round.
1. Thunder Gun

There’s a reason that this gun is on top of the list here and it’s not going down for not giving you power-ups when killing zombies with it: Infinite damage. You’re on round 100? Go ahead and shoot once with the Thunder Gun and the entire horde is gone. That’s what the best wonder weapon in Call of Duty Zombies should be. There’s also the Tundra Gun from BO4, but the almighty Thunder Gun from BO1 Kino Der Toten just feels more powerful.