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While we know many players just want to recruit the whole colorful cast of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, the blueprints of your HQ’s Drafting Studio are equally important. If you didn’t know, as you progress the story and gather more allies, you’ll get the opportunity to build better things for your home base. However, the first facilities will be a bit costly, and some will provide better benefits than others. So, with many things to choose from, we’ll nudge you in the right direction and help you select the best blueprints to unlock first.
10. Quarry, Pasturage, Farm, and Woodcutter’s Cabin

You might wonder why I listed four blueprints of the Drafting Studio in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes in one spot of this list. Allow me to explain. These four facilities work exactly the same: they gather materials for your HQ. While I could make four spots for one, I thought it would be better to show you that they are equally important and must be unlocked as fast as possible. By getting these blueprints, you can start gathering stone, lumber, and food for your treasury, which will all be necessary for further unlocks. So, before you unlock any other building, tackle these four first.
9. Fishing Spot

I have a love-and-hate relationship with this facility due to how challenging it was to unlock but trust me, it’s worth it. The Fishing Spot might initially seem irrelevant, but there are a few reasons to get it. First, it gives you a personal fishing spot inside your HQ. Second, it allows you to work toward some entertainment buildings for your base. If possible, follow Huang’s quest in Hishahn and catch the rare fish you need to recruit him. After doing so, unlock the fishing spot at your headquarters and fish your days away in this place.
8. Restaurant

I loved how the Restaurant worked in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and deemed it as a necessary blueprint to unlock in the Drafting Studio. As you travel, you’ll encounter recipes you can return to Kurtz for better dishes. You can use this food in combat; most dishes will give you buffs and heal you. However, the best thing about this place is the cook-off minigame. You get side quests that feature an evil cooking corporation, allow you to help the head chef while cooking, and even learn about your allies’ tastes in food. Overall, it is a fun place to have in your base.
7. Trading House

If you want to get some shops inside your HQ, you need a hub first. What’s better than your Trading House? When you build this spot, you’ll unlock many new blueprints, including all the shops you can find in cities and towns. Getting this facility up and running as fast as possible is paramount to start working on your shops. You’ll have to hire many people to get your mini-mall up to speed, but the effort is worth it and allows you to have every armor, accessory, and rune shop in one place.
6. Armor Shop

Contrary to the gathering facilities where all of them are equally important, the shops work differently. Once you have your Trading House, I recommend getting an armor shop. With so many characters to grab, you might want to take a few for a stroll and level them up. While you can swap armor between some characters, it’ll become tiresome. Instead, make your armor shop and outfit every hero with the right armor. It’ll take a lot of baqua, but it is much faster and easier to manage than swapping gear between allies.
5. Smithy

One thing I’m thankful for in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is the lack of weapons. Each character has a personal one, and you only have to worry about upgrading them and not swapping armaments every ten minutes. However, you must build a smithy in your town to increase every character’s power. By paying the reliable blacksmith some hard-earned baqua, you can upgrade each character’s signature weapon and call it a day. While you can also do this in certain towns and cities, not every blacksmith can fully upgrade your armaments. Thankfully, your HQ’s smithy can upgrade everything to max level if you have the necessary unlocks and money.
4. Hot Springs

Healing after every battle is a hassle, especially if you don’t have a lot of herbs or spells. To counter this a bit, and only a tiny bit, you can build hot springs in your base. By finding Cabana and his son, they can set up a shop in your HQ and get this facility running. By putting your group in it, you get a buff that heals at the end of every turn in battle and once you finish combat. It only lasts for a few fights but is a welcome help. Furthermore, certain characters interact with each other while relaxing in these hot waters, making it great for those looking for more JRPG banter.
3. Tool Shop

Of all the shop blueprints in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, the tool shop is the most important. This is your general store. You can buy everything in it, including healing herbs, shards of return, MP restoration items, and more. While you can get these items in every town, it is better to see Hiro’s selection in your HQ as it is the biggest and most varied one. It doesn’t provide a discount for the fearless alliance commander, but it is nice to have everything in one spot.
2. Mission Guild

While I was expecting a full-blown combat-filled guild system in the game, that wasn’t the case. Still, the mission guild is a great addition to your HQ. You’ll notice during the midgame and endgame portions of your playthrough that certain materials will be more challenging to get. Certain things, such as Exotic Lumber, are deep inside some dungeons, and walking there to grab a few is tiresome. To counter this, build a mission guild. You can dispatch several teams on 30-minute quests to bring you these materials. It is a fast and easy way to get rare items, and while not as deep as other activities, it is a welcome addition.
1. Stowpack Shop

That’s it, my fellow commanders. We’ve reached the best blueprint of the Drafting Studio in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, the stowpack shop. You might’ve noticed your inventory filling up quickly as you play. Initially, you only have 30 slots, which isn’t much. By finding Nell in Hishanh, you can build his facility, and by doing so, you can increase your inventory capacity. It is a cheap shop to make the upgrades, and they are easy to unlock. So, as soon as you improve your HQ to level 2, unlock this shop and forget about your cluttered inventory.
Ultimately, you’re free to pursue different unlocks, but we felt these were the best while playing. Be mindful that you can’t undo your unlocks, and with a few materials in the early game, it is better to be smart when building your HQ.