Title: The Flash: “Gone Rogue” Review Release Date: April 30th, 2019 Network: The CW Genre: Superhero, Drama, Action…
April 2019
Paramount has just released its live-action trailer for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Directed by…
Dying Light 2 has been confirmed to arrive at this year’s E3 presentation. We have…
Title: Arrow: “Confessions” Review Release Date: April 29th, 2019 Network: The CW Genre: Superhero, Drama, Action 25 minutes in,…
Dire Wolf Digital is releasing a new set of cards for their strategy card game…
Kingdom Hearts 3’s huge “ReMind” DLC content update is on the horizon after being unveiled…
For a limited time, the popular game Fortnite has a special mode that is themed…
Well, here’s some news in the area of ‘totally unexpected’ – a Rugrats movie is…
Nintendo is hosting a crossover event with the worlds of Fire Emblem and Dragalia Lost.…
There have been rumors and leaks galore for the PS5 in recent times. Release dates,…
Hakuna Matata everyone! Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, we have some new photos from Jon Favreau’s The…
For adventurers who enjoy listening to the sounds of The Elder Scrolls, you can now…
Bond. James Bond. Daniel Craig’s next and final film for the franchise is unofficially known as…
Chameleon Games, an indie developer that is working with former members of Rare Ltd (who…
The release of Avengers: Endgame is upon us and after watching it, there are some…
Latest stories
More +Title: Arrow: “Confessions” Review Release Date: April 29th, 2019 Network: The CW Genre: Superhero, Drama, Action 25 minutes in,…
Dire Wolf Digital is releasing a new set of cards for their strategy card game…
Kingdom Hearts 3’s huge “ReMind” DLC content update is on the horizon after being unveiled…
For a limited time, the popular game Fortnite has a special mode that is themed…
Well, here’s some news in the area of ‘totally unexpected’ – a Rugrats movie is…
Nintendo is hosting a crossover event with the worlds of Fire Emblem and Dragalia Lost.…
There have been rumors and leaks galore for the PS5 in recent times. Release dates,…
Hakuna Matata everyone! Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, we have some new photos from Jon Favreau’s The…
For adventurers who enjoy listening to the sounds of The Elder Scrolls, you can now…
Bond. James Bond. Daniel Craig’s next and final film for the franchise is unofficially known as…