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Although it started as a Jojo-inspired anime game, this popular experience has added abilities from other series along the way. One such power in Roblox A Universal Time is the Gomu Gomu Devil Fruit from One Piece. When Standless players acquire and use the item, they can perform rubber-like moves and attacks similar to the anime series’ hero, Luffy. Of course, this is one ability that any self-proclaimed anime fan wouldn’t want to miss. Turns out, there are several ways to obtain this rare item.
1. Complete Shanks’s Quest in Orange Town

The two other methods rely on luck; if you want a guaranteed drop, then you should try speaking with Shanks. The red-haired pirate can be met in Orange Town. Get there by looting Kuma’s Bible, putting it into your Inventory, and speaking to Bartholomew Kuma in Main Spawn hub.
If Kuma’s ready to transport you, there should be a glowing paw icon on top of his head. When that’s the case, select “Orange Town” from the One Piece areas selection offered by the NPC. He can be found not far from the football field.
After you’ve arrived at Orange Town, Shanks can be found chilling under a house’s shade across from Kuma’s location. Talk with him and he’ll task you with defeating 20 Pirates for the first step of acquiring Gomu Gomu Fruit in Roblox A Universal Time. Once that’s over, Shanks will mention that the ruckus upsets Buggy and he’s looking for revenge.
Buggy the Clown boss will always spawn every 15 minutes at the center of Orange Town. Although he’s a Level 100 boss, the clown’s not a joke; he has 15,000 HP and cannot be grabbed, stunned, or ragdolled. We recommend tackling this enemy with Level 200 powerful abilities, such as Toxic and Shadow. Don’t forget that defeating Buggy in a public server can be a mess. Sometimes, the game won’t detect your hits or someone might steal-kill Buggy, ruining your run.
With Buggy defeated, return to Shanks for your hard-earned Gomu Gomu Fruit reward in Roblox A Universal Time.
2. Defeat the Whitebeard Raid Boss

The second method to obtain the Gomu Gomu Fruit in Roblox A Universal Time is by participating in the Whitebeard Raid. The boss spawns every 3 hours at Marineford, starting at 12 AM server time. That means, after that period he only appears during 3 AM, 6 AM, 9 AM, and so on. You also have to own a Kuma’s Bible to reach this place.
Whitebeard is one tough cookie and we recommend facing the pirate honcho with a proper group. He has 75,000 HP and cannot be affected by any Domain, stun, or moves with cutscene. He will also cast a Conqueror’s Haki that can easily cancel uncancellable moves such as Shadow’s Atomic. Below is the list of items you’ll get by defeating the Raid boss:
Reward | Drop Rate |
750,000 to 1,000,000 UCoins | 100% |
75-100 Event Points | 100% |
Legendary Chest Drop | 100% |
Random Fruit Drop (including Gomu Gomu No Mi) | 75% |
Haki Shard | 55% |
Bisento | 15% |
One Piece-themed mounts (Aokiji’s Bike, Buggy Kart, Mini Merry, Smoker’s Billower, Striker) | 5% |
3. Pray to the RNGod for a Random Drop

Lastly, this method doesn’t require grinding levels or crafting materials — just a godly level of luck. Gomu Gomu No Mi, like other Fruits in Roblox A Universal Time, can appear randomly under a tree. No one’s sure of this Legendary item spawn rate as the community hasn’t discovered how often it drops and we haven’t encountered them even once.
After much effort and a lot of luck, we’re sure you’ll obtain the Gomu Gomu Fruit. In the meantime, don’t forget to check out our A Universal Time codes list for freebies.