Fans have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of the next Pokémon game, and today we got a little taste at what’s to come. A new Pokémon has been revealed though it remains shrouded in mystery.

The news came from Serebii – the fan runs Pokémon site – that posted images from the Japanese magazine CoroCoro showcasing a new Pokémon. This new creature is called Magiana. We don’t have much info yet, but we do know a couple snippets of information about the newest pocket monster.
It is apparently a man-made Pokémon, which was crafted by human hands over 500 years ago. It’s set to make its first official appearance in the new Pokémon movie, Volcanion and the Contriving Magiana.

The last mainline games in the series were Omega Ruby and alpha Saphire in 2014, which were remakes of the 2002 classics. Pokémon X and Y hit store shelves in 2013, which kicked off the sixth generation in the series. We don’t know if the next entry will be the long rumoured Pokémon Z, or if it will be the seventh generation, but all we can do is wait.
2016 marks the 20th anniversary of Pokémon, and the festivities are already underway. Each month a new legendary Pokémon will be given away. February’s gift is a level 100 Mew, with plenty of other surprises on the way.
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We will also see the release of Pokkén Tournament for Wii U in March and Pokémon GO, the augmented reality game for mobile phones. Even if we don’t see a new Pokémon release this year, February will see Pokémon Red and Blue making their way onto 3DS with added online features.