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It’s time, Alliance and Horde adventurers of World of Warcraft. The Infinite Dragonflight calls everyone to the familiar shores of Pandaria, which, this time, are full of loot and other goodies to make everyone’s experience more enjoyable. However, with so many things to do and a fast-paced leveling experience, a few players might find the content overwhelming. If that’s the case, we’ve prepared a few beginner tips to get the best start in WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria to prepare you for the imminent release of The War Within.
5. How To Train Your Dragon (In Pandaria)
![WoW Pandaria Dragonriding](
Say what you want about Dragonflight, but its best feature, without a doubt, was Dragonriding. Thankfully, the developers allowed players to use this feature in WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria, hence why our first tip is to unlock it as soon as possible. While traversing through the Jade Forest, players can follow a quick quest, which is similar to the Dragonriding tutorial of Dragonflight, and unlock this new way of travel. Furthermore, you’ll get six vigor orbs, which are more than enough to let you soar the skies of these lands. If you’re looking for a fast way to level up, riding your dragon will shorten a lot of the travel time in Pandaria.
4. Pimp Your Cloak
![WoW Remix Cloak](
The Cloak of Infinite Potential is the best thing Blizzard did for this event. This item, which shares stats with all the characters you create, grows as you collect Threads. For example, if you get a Thread of Experience, you’ll get a 1% increase in all your experience earned. This is fantastic as it’ll allow you to breeze through the expansion with your main character and any others ‘alts’ you want to make. However, there’s a lot of RNG involved in getting good stat-boosting items, so be patient while completing quests and defeating enemies. You’ll get those Threads eventually.
3. Don’t Sleep on Gems
![WoW Remix Tinker Gear](
The Diablo 4 fever has invaded WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria in the form of aspects gems. These items modify some of your abilities while also providing you with completely new ones. For example, in the case of my Paladin, I found one that restores HP whenever I defeat a foe as well as inflicting damage to others near me. Another one launches a hailstorm on enemies, slowing them down. This is a great addition as it allows players to wreak havoc while they obtain certain key skills for their classes.
2. The Right Class for the Job
![Night Elf Hunter](
Speaking of classes, while those addicted to creating characters might want to level one of each, we recommend picking a good class for your first run. What classes do I recommend? Well, you need to keep in mind all characters start at level 10. This means that certain core skills and talents won’t be available from the get-go, hence making leveling certain classes slower. Paladins, Death Knights, and Demon Hunters are good to start with. However, Warriors and Rogues might have a harder time reaching that sweet spot where they can spam abilities and defeat enemies with ease. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but try to pick a class you know how to play or one that has enough skills at level 10.
1. Save Your Bronze
![WoW Bronze Gear](
Bronze is an event-exclusive currency to buy all sorts of Pandaria-themed cosmetics. You can find rare mounts, the elusive Garrosh heirlooms, and the hard-to-grind Shado-Pan outfit. However, other tiny items, such as scrolls and potions, might seem tempting to speed up your leveling process. Don’t buy these. Save your Bronze in one character to buy only what you want. While the event will be around for three months, don’t go on a spending spree. Use one character to farm this currency, save it, and then head to an Inifinte Bazaar to spend it. Don’t try to farm the currency on different characters by the way, it is better to stick with one for grinding.
Undoubtedly, WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria is one of the best limited-time events we could’ve asked for, and with these tips, you shouldn’t have an issue when playing it. Since Dragonflight‘s story is officially over, players are still looking for a way to venture around Azeroth, and a trip to Pandaria is the perfect idea. So, create your Timerunner, grab your friends, and get ready to visit the good old fluffy Pandarens for a trip to the past with a few modifiers thrown into the mix.