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Look, I know we’re all young gamers at heart, so it is normal to make tiny mistakes here and there. However, there is one specific genre where making a tiny miscalculation will make you feel like you’ve ruined your whole game’s progress. I’m talking about gacha games. Anyone playing in these addictive experiences is prone to press every “purchase” button on a whim, thus spending every resource they have. Don’t. It’s tempting, but it’ll ruin your progress. To help you help you avoid any unnecessary FOMO tendencies, we have a list of some mistakes you should avoid in Wuthering Waves.
7. Don’t Fall For The Wrong Banner

I’ve always thought looking at banners in a gacha game is like entering a candy store. You know everything looks great, but at the same time, you know one of those candies will mess up your teeth or stomach, and still, we go for them. Please, don’t fall for that. Take a deep breath, think about your wallet and, most importantly, your time, and don’t summon characters blindly.
Wuthering Waves features many banners that will enthrall even the most veteran gacha gamers. However, I recommend taking your time and pulling only in the novice banner. During the game’s launch, pulls have a 20% discount, meaning 10 pulls that usually require 10 of the standard currency only need eight, which is great. So, stick to this, get the 5-star character, and move on to the real grind.
6. Be Patient With Premium Banners

The meaty thing about Wuthering Waves, and any gacha game, for that matter, is its premium banners. These limited-time events feature new 5-star characters that usually have top-notch kits and great designs. However, there’s a thing in this genre called “power creep.” The characters you see in 1.0 won’t be as good in, let’s say, 1.2. That is unless Kuro Games knows how to balance things. But, as a personal recommendation, don’t pull for anyone in 1.0.
Since Wuthering Waves is the new kid on the block, better party members will arrive in the future in true gacha fashion. This usually happens to keep the player base around and increase a game’s sales. So, wait a bit; the launch characters will likely get a re-run. Instead, save your currency, wait for new reveals, and only pull for those you truly like, not the ones the fan base thinks you need.
5. Benching Your Main Character

One of the mistakes you need to avoid in Wuthering Waves is benching Rover, the game’s protagonist. We all know in HoYoverse titles, Caelus, Stelle, and the blonde twins take a backseat regarding gameplay. Not here. Rover is a fantastic party member who can be a DPS capable of hitting like a truck or even a free healer for your team.
Depending on the weapons, Echoes, and other gacha shenanigans, you can build the main character as the party member that’ll carry you. Really, I’ve been using them for hours and rarely feel the need to swap them out for others. So, stick with them, give them some love, Echoes, and weapons, and you’ll see how great they fit in almost any composition.
4. Stop Upgrading Useless Echoes

Wuthering Waves features a Pokemon Echo system. Each time you battle an enemy, there’s a chance of getting their Echo, which is an equipabble item that gives you the monster’s skills but also stats. Look at Echoes as you’d look at Relic Sets in other gacha games. However, obtaining them in Wuthering Waves is much harder, hence why upgrading them blindly is a mistake you must avoid.
Personally, I only upgrade rare Echoes. Blue and green ones should be used as upgrade materials. You can even consider using purple ones to upgrade Echoes, but only if you have golden ones. Also, with how grindy getting these items is, you should hold on to most of them until you have the right one to improve.
3. Stop Leveling All Of Your Characters

Are you familiar with the meme of that guy looking at two buttons and sweating over which one to pick? Yeah, that’s every gacha player when they look at the “Level Up” button. I know it’s tempting; I’m aware of the dopamine we get when seeing the numbers increase. Please, refrain from leveling your party members aimlessly.
Instead, pick your team of three waifus or husbandos and level them individually. During any game’s first weeks, you’ll likely get a lot of content, but some currency will keep you from grinding endlessly. Also, here’s where the “Spending five bucks doesn’t hurt, does it?” syndrome kicks one. Take your time, hide your wallet, and just level the characters that work for you. There’ll be many more opportunities and events to get materials to level up everyone on your roster.
2. Hold On To Your Currency

Another thing that happens each time someone starts a journey in a gacha, and Wuthering Waves isn’t an exception, is the overwhelming amount of currency. You’ll get shiny orbs left and right as if you were in a ball pit. Yes, spending it sounds exciting, but when you see a beautiful new character and realize you don’t have enough currency for them because you spent it on some guy called “John Gacha,” you’ll know the meaning of sadness.
Save your currency for new characters or duplicates of a party member you want to upgrade. Usually, many in-game stores tend to rotate, and currency such as Coral is useful for unlocking other characters or certain rare items to build the ones you currently own.
1. Don’t Give Into FOMO

Back when I was a young Genshin Impact player, I spent all my currency and real-life money on Dehya. I was lured in by the promise of a possible top-tier Fire DPS character. If you’re laughing at my decision now, I don’t blame you. But you know what? That’s what FOMO does to a gacha player. Fear of missing out is a thing, and hearing stuff on social media leads us to pull for characters we instantly regret.
The best piece of advice I can give you, from one Resonator to another, is don’t fall into the FOMO trap. We know people will always recommend one particular character and tell you ignoring them will ruin your life and relationships and even affect your work. That’s not true. Don’t listen to what everyone says. Instead, use the game’s trial functions, try the characters, and then decide whether they are worth pulling for.
While avoiding mistakes in Wuthering Waves is hard, especially for new players, we hope this guide allows you to follow the right path and not mess up your account’s progress. However, if you already did a slight miscalculation, don’t fret, a future update might allow you to put your progress back on track and get your eclectic group of characters ready to face any challenge.