Dick Grayson, the superhero vigilante primarily known as Nightwing, has always been a steadfast ally against the forces of evil. Now, it seems he will find new allies in his efforts to protect his city of Bludhaven. However, in order to better serve his new methods of crimefighting, Grayson will need to adopt a new identity.
Nightwing Spoilers
Nightwing’s life has spiraled recently. After being shot in the head by villain KGBeast, Dick suffered from amnesia. Going by “Ric Grayson” after his recovery, he became a taxi driver in Bludhaven and began indulging in his darker urges. When Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl confronted Ric, she discovered he did not remember his past with the Bat-Family. Refusing to listen to Barbara’s claims of his past life with the Bat-Family, Grayson set his old hideout aflame. Despite the reaction to his old life, Ric found himself stopping random crimes and aiding the Bludhaven police department.
After some time, Grayson took up the mantle of Nightwing once again and joined a group of vigilante police officers calling themselves the Nightwings. Things went well as Ric fought various threats and kept his city safe. However, solicitations for issues #66 and #67 for Nightwing show that Ric’s ancestor William Cobb has bigger plans for the hero. After taking down all other Nightwings in the vigilante group, Cobb will approach Grayson with an offer: serve alongside him and the Court of Owls as a Talon. With no memory of the Court, Ric will fulfill the legacy his great-grandfather intended for him as the Gray Son.
William Cobb will extend his offer to Grayson in Nightwing #66, on sale on November 20. As a result, Grayson will presumably don the armor of the Talon in #67, which will hit shelves on December 18. How do you feel about this turn of events for Nightwing? How long do you think he will operate as a Talon? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!