The second season of the Pretty Little Liars spin-off show will air on Netflix on May 9, 2024. In the weeks leading up to the premiere, the cast has been getting fans excited by sharing promotional photos. While photos of the actresses in character have been getting fan approval, the unusual choice of the poster has received mixed reactions. And it’s clear that it was a totally unexpected choice.
Fans React To Pretty Little Liars Poster
Chandler Kinney, who plays the role of Tabitha ‘Tabby’ Haworthe shared the photo of the Pretty Little Liars: Summer School poster on her Instagram account recently. She captioned the photo with a simple message. “Back to pretty lil lyin in 4 days … @prettylittleliars @streamonmax #PLLSummerSchool.” The reactions to her post have been surprising. Some are loving the poster and feel it would make for a great T-shirt, others are not so sure. “Ok literally what the freak,” a comment reads.
Bailee Madison (who plays the role of Imogen Adams), also shared the photo of the poster on her Instagram account for her 3.3 million followers to see, and on her post, the backlash has been much more obvious. She credited the artist, writing, “Artwork by our incredible production designer: @de_la_boue.” There are a lot of people who are getting excited by the poster, but not everyone feels it’s as incredible as the cast does. “Yeah I don’t think I’ll be tuned in if yall gon have these representations,” a disappointed fan wrote. “What’s going on?” another asked.
Despite the negative comments, some fans are really excited because they feel the poster gives clues about the show’s future. “All this imagery to pick apart has me obsessed,” one comment reads. “Is it just me or is this giving Midsommar? I’m so so so exciteddddd,” another wrote.
The artwork is not for everyone, but it has definitely created hype around the show.