So in case you didn’t know, Call of Duty: MW2 and MW3 weapons are not trash in the Black Ops 6 integration of Warzone. In fact, some of them are actually pretty overpowered compared to the new BO6 guns. However, there are a few movement elements in the game that crumble the cookies for the Modern Warfare weapons, giving the advantage to Black Ops 6.
So if you dive into the gunsmith menu of Warzone and pick Black Ops 6 weapons, you’ll realize that they don’t have the 100+ attachments as Modern Warfare guns did. However, zooming into the attachments and their stats, there are two new elements added to the game slide-to-fire and dive-to-fire speed.
Now usually you’ll boost these two metrics by just equipping attachments to the Black Ops 6 guns, but when I searched for something that boosts these new stats in MW weapons, the dead end was all I found. So if you’re in an intense close and mid-range battle with another player in Warzone and try using MW2 or MW3 SMG weapons, you’re probably dead if they’re utilizing the Black Ops designs of the ’90s.
The slide-to-fire is far more important here, and what it means is that basically, you’ll be ready to shoot faster after sliding compared to a weapon with lower slide-to-fire speed. The same goes for the dive-to-fire speed, but I don’t really see many players using the diving mechanics in Black Ops 6 or Warzone.
Take a look at the image above for example. We’ve WSP-9, one of the best MW3 SMGs in the game, and then we’ve got the C9 from Black Ops 6 on the right. You can see that the slide-to-fire of C9 is 160ms. However, for all the MW2 and MW3 weapons, this stat is locked to 0, meaning that they do not have slide-to-fire ability. In other words, you can’t shoot while sliding, which is a game-changer with Omnimovement.
So while MW3 long-range weapons like Kar98k are far above being useless, the close-range meta guns like the BP50 conversion kit are great before you put some movement magic into play.