Since Evil Within 2 was announced at E3 2017, Father Theodore, the righteous yet wrathful priest, has made an appearance in a few of the trailer released by Bethesda. However, the newest trailer for the survival-horror title makes the mysterious Father Theodore its main focus. And, trust me, there is plenty of fire and brimstone.
Along with our horrifying photographer, Stefano, the wrathful priest will be one of the main human antagonists of the second iteration of the Evil Within series. In the newest story trailer, Theodore announces his message to the new world- “a message that promises a righteous fury and immolation to those who oppose him.” Much like Sebastian, the priest is also looking for Sebastian’s daughter, Lily; it becomes a race of life or death to see who can get to her first. Father Theodore won’t be doing it alone though. The trailer also introduces us to his flamethrower-wielding henchmen, the Harbingers.
According to the game’s director, Jon Johanas:
Theodore is the kind of person who always hides his true face…He’s showcased as a religious figure, but he’s very much a manipulator in the way he speaks to you and tries to get you on his side. He portrays himself as someone who is friendly and trying to help you, but you can see clearly in his demeanor and the way he creates this world of his that there is obviously something very dark beneath the surface.
Stefano’s ability to pause time and Theodore’s impressive manipulation skills are sure to give fans a run for their money. And they are just the human monsters! Evil Within 2 is set to release next week on Friday, October 13, 2017 for PlayStation 4,
Are you looking forward to Evil Within 2? What do you think has been the scariest monster reveal so far? Let us know in the comments below!