ThinkGeek is a website that offers so many geeky items to choose from and now they have a subscription box. The ThinkGeek Capsule promises to bring at least one exclusive item that you can’t get anywhere else, a cool t-shirt, a weird new gadget, a licensed enamel pin, and more.
Cost: $24.99/quarterly (plus S & H)
We have the ThinkGeek Capsule #2 and would like to share the contents with you. It’s a pretty cool box!
This is a licensed Dungeons and Dragons t-shirt. It’s a nice shirt and it also came with a patch…
I’m not familiar with Dungeons and Dragons but I have a feeling there is a ton of people who would love to have these items.
This Pop! Pocket Chain of the Twelfth Doctor from Doctor Who was also included in this ThinkGeek box. These little vinyl are pretty popular.
Game of Thrones Fans would love this Sigil Canvas Art. This is a very popular show with a huge following!
This Vulcan Travel Guide and Postcard set is great for Star Trek fans. The images on the postcards are really cool.
How about some Hulk colored pencils? My son isn’t much into coloring but maybe some Hulk themed pencils will make coloring more exciting.
Each ThinkGeek Capsule comes with a collectible pin and this one is focusing on a Fantasy/Solar System Theme.
That’s it for this edition of the ThinkGeek Capsule. I think this box is a pretty nice deal with some exclusive items that make it unique and other items that make it just plain cool. Right now, the current Capsule is sold out but check in with them and see when it will be available again.
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