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For fans of classic real-time strategy games, cheat codes offer a fun and exciting way to enhance gameplay and add replayability to your playthrough. Whether you’re looking to gain unfair advantages from resource care packages, skipping missions, having a Titans brawl, or just having fun with randomizing unit ownerships. Here we have the complete list of all Age of Mythology cheat codes, from Extended Edition to AOM Retold HD remasters.
The Best AOM Cheat Codes
Cheats in Age of Mythology can be activated by typing them into the chat box and pressing Enter. All cheat codes up to the Extended Edition are case-sensitive and must be entered in capital letters with Caps Lock or Shift. If the codes are not working, you might be playing the demo edition or in the wrong release version.
- ATM OF EREBUS: +1,000 Gold.
- JUNK FOOD NIGHT: +1,000 Food.
- LAY OF THE LAND: Removes fog of war.
- DIVINE INTERVENTION: Refresh God Power cooldown or add one extra use.
- THRILL OF VICTORY: Wins the game (does not work on Campaign Mode).
- CHANNEL SURFING: Skips Scenario while playing Campaign Mode.
- NINJACONNOR: Gains +100,000 Food, Gold, and Wood, sets population limit to max, +100 build and research speed, and unlimited God Power use. Exclusive for the Extended Edition.
- DEVSAD: Gains +10,000 Food, Gold, and Wood, sets population limit to max, +100 build, training, and research speed, increases Scouts and Pharaohs speed by +500%, removes fog of war, and spawns 3 UFOs at the Town Center. Exclusive for the Retold edition.
Age of Mythology Retold Cheat Codes
The first three codes are exclusive for AOM Retold and they all can be typed in lowercase. Almost all classic cheats can be used; The NINJACONNOR and Tale of the Dragon cheats, however, are exempt in this version.
Cheat Code | Cheat Effect |
ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US | Spawns a UFO at the Town Center |
DEVASD | Gains +10,000 Food, Gold, and Wood, sets population limit to max, +100 build, training, and research speed, increases Scouts and Pharaohs speed by +500%, removes fog of war, and spawns 3 UFOs at the Town Center |
FOOTY | Spawns a Mountain Giant and a giant Football at the Town Center |
ATM OF EREBUS | +1,000 Gold |
BAWK BAWK BOOM | Gains “Chicken Storm” God Power, rains down exploding chicken |
CHANNEL SURFING | Skips Scenario while playing Campaign Mode |
CONSIDER THE INTERNET | Slows down game speed |
DIVINE INTERVENTION | Refresh God Power cooldown or add one extra use |
ENGINEERED GRAIN | Livestock instantly becomes fat |
FEAR THE FORAGE | Gains “Walking Berry Bushes” God Power, can turn Berry Bushes alive |
GOATUNHEIM | Gains “Goatunheim” God Power, turns all units in the game into Goats. Except Ships, Chickens, and Livestock |
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! | 100 Monkeys appear at the Town Center |
IN DARKEST NIGHT | Cycles day-night rotations |
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA | Spawns Arkantos, Amanra, Brokk, Ajax, Chiron, Eitri, Odysseus, Reginleif, and Setna Heroes at the Town Center |
JUNK FOOD NIGHT | +1,000 Food |
L33T SUPA H4X0R | Speeds up all mechanics that require time to complete |
LAY OF THE LAND | Removes fog of war |
LETS GO! NOW! | Speeds up game speed (there are two spaces before the NOW) |
MOUNT OLYMPUS | +100 Favor or +2000 Favor for Zeus |
MR. MONDAY | Titan AI gains +1,000 handicap |
O CANADA | Spawns a Lazer Bear at the Town Center |
PANDORAS BOX | Gains 4 random God Powers |
RED TIDE | Turns all bodies of water to red and kills all Fish |
SET ASCENDANT | Gain total control over all Mother Nature units |
THRILL OF VICTORY | Wins the game (does not work on Campaign Mode) |
TINES OF POWER | Spawns a Forkboy at the Town Center |
UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT | Resets fog of war |
WRATH OF THE GODS | Gains “Earthquake,” “Lightning Storm,” “Meteor,” and “Tornado” God Powers with unlimited use |
WUV WOO | Spawns a Flying Purple Hippo at the Town Center |
Age of Mythology Classic Cheats

Cheat Code | Cheat Effect |
ATM OF EREBUS | +1,000 Gold |
BAWK BAWK BOOM | Gains “Chicken Storm” God Power, rains down exploding chicken |
CHANNEL SURFING | Skips Scenario while playing Campaign Mode |
CONSIDER THE INTERNET | Slows down game speed |
DIVINE INTERVENTION | Refresh God Power cooldown or add one extra use |
ENGINEERED GRAIN | Livestock instantly becomes fat |
FEAR THE FORAGE | Gains “Walking Berry Bushes” God Power, can turn Berry Bushes alive |
GOATUNHEIM | Gains “Goatunheim” God Power, turns all units in the game into Goats. Except Ships, Chickens, and Livestock |
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! | 100 Monkeys appear at the Town Center |
IN DARKEST NIGHT | Cycles day-night rotations |
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA | Spawns Arkantos, Amanra, Brokk, Ajax, Chiron, Eitri, Odysseus, Reginleif, and Setna Heroes at the Town Center |
JUNK FOOD NIGHT | +1,000 Food |
L33T SUPA H4X0R | Speeds up all mechanics that require time to complete |
LAY OF THE LAND | Removes fog of war |
LETS GO! NOW! | Speeds up game speed (there are two spaces before the NOW) |
MOUNT OLYMPUS | +100 Favor or +2000 Favor for Zeus |
MR. MONDAY | Titan AI gains +1,000 handicap |
O CANADA | Spawns a Lazer Bear at the Town Center |
PANDORAS BOX | Gains 4 random God Powers |
RED TIDE | Turns all bodies of water to red and kills all Fish |
SET ASCENDANT | Gain total control over all Mother Nature units |
THRILL OF VICTORY | Wins the game (does not work on Campaign Mode) |
TINES OF POWER | Spawns a Forkboy at the Town Center |
UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT | Resets fog of war |
WRATH OF THE GODS | Gains “Earthquake,” “Lightning Storm,” “Meteor,” and “Tornado” God Powers with unlimited use |
WUV WOO | Spawns a Flying Purple Hippo at the Town Center |
AOM The Titans Expansion Cheat Codes
Cheat Code | Cheat Effect |
ATLANTIS REBORN | Spawns Ajax, Amanra, Kastor, and King Folstag Heroes at the Town Center |
BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK | Spawns Bella at the Town Center |
RESET BUTTON | Deconstruct all buildings in the game |
TINFOIL HAT | All unit ownership in the game is randomized |
TITANOMACHY | Spawns a Titan at the Town Center |
ZENOS PARADOX | Gains 4 random God Powers (including Atlantean’s) |
Age of Mythology Extended Edition HD Remaster Base Game Cheats

The Extended Edition remaster adds two new codes you can use on top of the previous ones.
All Cheats for GTA V to Help You Rule Los Santos (Codes, Phone Numbers, and Console Commands)Cheat Code | Cheat Effect |
NINJACONNOR | Gains +100,000 Food, Gold, and Wood, sets population limit to max, +100 build and research speed, and unlimited God Power use |
WRATH OF CYCLONE | Turns all of your units into Titans |
AOM Extended Edition Tale of the Dragon Expansion Cheats
Cheat Code | Cheat Effect |
BLESS ME FU XI | Spawns Danzhu, Jiao-Long, Shun, and Zhi Heroes at the Town Center |
POWERS FROM DIYU | Gains 4 random God Powers (including Chinese’s) |
TITANIC | Titans can now walk on water |
WOLOLO | When converting units, Chinese Monks will chant the iconic “Wololo” sound effect from Age of Empires |