Volition Studios, the folks behind the Saints Row series, have been strangely quiet since releasing Saints Row IV, but that silence ended today with Agents of Mayhem.

The new game was announced through IGN this morning. No gameplay was shown but we were treated to a lengthy CG trailer. It shows a team of four bizarre gunmen taking on an army of robots and concrete goliaths.
The characters show off so far were a female sky pirate who leaped and bound over enemies, firing off her futuristic flintlock pistols; a weaponized turret that zips across the battlefield, tearing enemies apart; a US Navy marine who wields a grappling hook; and a bounty hunter/reality TV star. There is also a flying turret that is billed as a character in the game, butThe game looks to retain the studios trademark sense of humor while still delivering an intense, action-heavy experience.

We don’t know if there will be more playable heroes in the final game or how the game controls, but it is confirmed to be exclusively singleplayer with first gameplay to be revealed in the coming weeks. Although it is interesting to note that the game appears to be set in the same universe as Saints Row, as shown by the Saints logo at the end of the trailer.
Players will take control of the Agents of M.A.Y.H.E.M. as they fight against the evil forces of L.E.G.I.O.N. The Unique setting, sense of humor and cast of characters already has us intrigued, so all we can do now is wait for more info to come out about this tantalizing title.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfBOHGWsJWQ[/embedyt]
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More details on the game will be revealed over the course of the month, so stay tuned to The Nerd Stash for more information on Agents of Mayhem.